10 Seeds of Greatness, #2
The 10 Best-kept Secrets of Total Success !!!
from The Law of Attraction.org 8/13 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz 5/14
Chapter 3. The Seed of Responsibility: “For every action, there is an equal & opposite reaction”, or “We reap what we sow”, so, according to the author, we have two options: we can accept conditions as they exist, or accept responsibility for changing them. Rather than replaying our past mistakes, we should learn from them. Rather than fearing what may happen in the future, we should live in the present. When we can control our thoughts – our dreams & ideas become real. We can control our contacts, our communication, our commitments and our causes: choosing worthy causes gives us courage & confidence.
Chapter 4. The Seed of Wisdom: the author defines wisdom as the combination of honesty & knowledge applied through experience. He says that living according to our spiritual convictions, integrity & social conscience allows us to be true to ourselves and respect others. He suggests an interesting exercise to allow ourselves some reflection & improvement: “Think what we would do, if we had our lives to live over again”. He lists steps toward wisdom:
o Continue Learning. Classes, courses, seminars, workshops, etc.
o When you don’t know a word, use dictionary to look up & learn.
o Read lots. Increase vocabulary.
o Take an Aptitude test to confirm your Talent & discover new areas.
o Think, say & do what you believe is “right” for all situations.
o Model yourself after people you respect & admire.
Chapter 5. The Seed of Purpose: Goal setting is the instrument to living with purpose – if we fail to set goals, we fail to achieve any. Once goals are set, we need to say Affirmations, and to follow ten (10) Action Steps to achieve them:
1) Set short term goals.
2) Set ambitious goals – just out of reach but not out of sight.
3) Get a Mentor’s reinforcement.
4) Establish a Reward/celebration for when goal is met.
5) New Year – put goals in envelope. Open next New Year. Set new goals for next year.
6) Use Planner/diary to track your goals.
7) Use Planner/diary to set time frames for upcoming goals.
8) Check your List of Goals daily.
9) Don’t share goals with negative people. Only look for encouragement from people you can trust.
10) Pay yourself each month (at least 10%) and save this money for future opportunities that you want to take advantage of.
[ The Seeds of Communication, Belief & Adaptability in Premium Content ]