10 Tips to create growing Demand for your Products and/or Services
TIPS: Solve Problems, get Closer to Customer, Feedback, Free Content, use Emotions, Avoid Pain vs Gain Pleasure, Promise & Deliver, add Value, Differentiate.
What? Your small business’s success will be based on your success in creating a challenging demand for your products and/or services. The hugher your customer’s demand is, the more success you will enjoy. So, how you can create a challenging demand for your products and/or services?
How can you do this? How can you transform your current struggles into the biggest success for you as an Entrepreneur? I have seen many Entrepreneurs struggle with this issue. Simply, they have great products and/or services (and the greatest processes in their business) – except for one process that will continuously create challenging demand for their products and/or services. That’s the biggest disappointing situation in which almost all Entrepreneurs find themselves in – shortly after their successful launch.
Solutions. You can create the best possible products and/or services, or you can have the most innovative solutions for your customers. But it doesn’t make sense until your customers don’t want to buy or use your products and/or services. To solve this possible problem, you will need to put all your Entrepreneurial efforts to create really challenging demand for your products and/or services.
Top 10 Tips. Let’s look at ten ideas that will help you in your efforts to create a challenging demand for your products and/or services for your company.
1. Solve Customer’s real Problems – if you want growing Demand
The first thing you will need is to be sure that your company creates products and/or services to solve real customers’ problems. If you don’t ensure this, all your efforts will be a waste of time. Spend some time analyzing customers’ real wants, needs & problems. Go out to their facilities and talk with them – not about your products – but about their wants, needs & problems. From this tour, you can explain how your products and/or services will meet their needs or solve their problems (or not). Creating a high demand for your products and/or services will require you to have exceptional solutions for the right customer’s problems. If you’ve done your homework, your new Customer will really appreciate it !!! and you’ll have a Customer for life and they’ll probably refer you to others.
2. Don’t Sell, Solve !!!
The second thing you will need to do is educate your potential customers about the problem you solve for them. If they don’t know that they are already having a specific problem that your business solves for them, how you can expect that there will be high demand for your products? The most effective marketing today is education-based marketing, and you will really need to use it in creating a challenging demand for your products and/or services.
How to Implement Education-Based Marketing:
Step 1: Identify your Target Audience and its pain points.
Step 2: Assemble the Knowledge you will share.
Step 3: Choose a Medium and/or Format to produce educational content
Step 4: Use Native advertising (optional)
Step 5: Lower the entry point for your products. (free Trials, Training, Samples etc)
Step 6: Incentivize a buy-in. (lower Price, multi Products)
Step 7: Find additional (Social Media) Promotion channels
Step 8: Build the Technology to scale (ie, DataArt)
Bottom-Line. Education-based marketing is a proven strategy for building a reputation as a market leader in a chosen segment. By educating the target audience about how they can address real challenges, your company establishes a bond of trust. This gives you the latitude to softlyadvertise your products, rather than pitch them. If your efforts are efficient, the chosen market segment will soon be closely associated with your company’s brand (for example, say “HubSpot,” and everyone thinks “inbound marketing”).
3. get Closer to your Customers
Always be close to your potential customers. If you are not, you can’t discover what they really want. So, you can’t educate them if you are not close to them. Building a closer relationship with your customers will help you to create really exceptional value for them. On the other side, it will create a much higher demand for your products and/or services.
1. Don’t use a One-size-fits-all approach. Customizing your user interactions improves relevance & authenticity.
2. Responding to their Concerns, builds their trust.
3. Go above & beyond to increase their perception and loyalty to your business
4. Follow up to communicate to them that they matter, and it helps you identify poor customer experiences.
5. Keep it personal, not transactional. Speaking to your customers in a conversational & personal tone can improve their perception of your brand.
6. Focus on face-to-face interactions. Use a customer’s preferred method of communication to maintain a positive relationship.
7. Be active on Social Media. Create S/M accounts on the platforms where your customers are. Respond quickly to questions & concerns.
8. Grow with your current Customers in mind. Prioritizing your existing customers over the acquisition of new customers is a great way to build long-term Loyalty.
9. Show your Appreciation – which can improve their connection to your brand.
10. Survey your Customers – to gain customer insight and improve your offerings.
4. Customers Feedback
If you build a strong relationship with your customers and use their feedback to improve and create better value for them, you can be much closer to creating a high demand for your products and/or services. Use your customer’s feedback to improve the value of your products and/or services. If I am your customer and ask me to help you improve the value you want to ship to me, I will give you the feedback. But, when you will tell me that some of my feedback is already included in your solutions, it will encourage me to continue using your solutions and share my experience with other people that I think will need your solution. That means you will increase the demand for your products and/or services.
1. “Feedback is the Breakfast of Champions”
2. “There has to be a willingness to constantly accept critical Feedback and rapidly iterate to make things better.“
3. “We all need people who will give us Feedback. That’s how we improve.“ – Bill Gates
4. “Continuous delivery without continuous Feedback is very, very dangerous“
5. Free $00$ Content
If you want to create a really challenging demand for your products and/or services, you will need to create a customer’s desire for them. One of the best strategies is to use free content to create a desire for the solutions that you offer. Free content will mean the content that you will publish on your Blog, free Reports, free eBooks, & Tips you share on social media, and everything else that will be useful and free for your potential customers from one side – will create a strong desire for your products and/or services on another side.
Best Promotional Ideas: Calendars & Planners, Contests, Coupons, Discounts, Flash Sale, Gift Cards, Pens, Product Samples, Rebates, Tickets to Your Webinar/Seminar Tote Bags, etc.
6. Focus on Targeting your Customer’s Emotions
In today’s world, emotions are something that is used in decision-making and positive emotions about your products and/or services – ensures the successful sale of your products and/or services. Triggering your customer’s emotions is a winning strategy for you, and it will bring a higher demand for your products and/or services. Because of that, focus your efforts on targeting & triggering your customers’ right emotions, and you will succeed !!! Emotions are at the heart of every sale. Logic only gets people to think – not act. Emotion trumps logic – every time. Feelings trigger people to buy.
1) Why? “Because your words play on four basic emotions: happiness, sadness, fear, & anger”.
2) “A smart sales-person listens to emotions of their Prospect, not just the facts of the situation.”
3) Why? “Because people rely on emotions – way more than they rely on information to make decisions.”
4) “Buying decisions are always the result of a change in the customer’s emotional state”.
5) “Logic makes people think. Emotions make people act.”
7. Avoid Pain vs Gain Pleasure
Many pieces of research show us that triggering customer’s pain is a winning strategy. As human beings, we are more emotionally connected to pain, because we don’t like to feel it. Your customers will always be more interested in solutions that will enable them to avoid pain than they will be interested in gain pleasure. If you want to create a really challenging demand for your products, you will need to focus your marketing efforts on pain instead of pleasure.
5 Rules of Pain vs Pleasure
1) All Decisions Made by Humans are to Avoid Pain or Gain Pleasure
2) People will do much more to Avoid Pain than they will to Gain Pleasure !!!
3) Pain & Pleasure are moderated by Time, so don’t wait too long to present & pull the pain (like a tooth)
4) Emotion trumps Logic – when thinking of Pain & Pleasure (donald always trys to trump too. LoL)
5) Perception is the reality in Pain survival or reduction vs. the fire of desire !!!
8. Create a BiG Promise; But only if you can Deliver
Promises sell, but only if you deliver them. You can really build quick demand for your products and/or services with the right promise at the right time to the right customers. If you are sure that you can promise something and you can also deliver on your promise (or more), then use the right promise to create high demand for what you sell to your customers.
Under Promise & Over Deliver !!!
1) Deliver ahead of Schedule by putting in a little buffer of time & resources.
2) Find ways to surprise your Customers and/or offer alternatives – that enhance their experience.
3) add Value to your Offering. Become an Expert in your field – so you can offer a wider scope.
4) Create and use a System – so everything flows smoothly and you can predict more accurately.
5) be Passionate about what you do – so Customers see your enthusiasm.
6). Respond to Emails & other messages as quickly as possible.
7) Follow-up to assure they are satisfied.
9. Prove the Value of your offer.
As you already know, your offer will be one of the first things that your potential customers will evaluate before they decide to use your products and/or services. In a short time, your offer will need to prove it’s value for customers. If you succeed in this, you will create a strong demand for your products and/or services.
What is a Value Proposition? A VP (not Vice Pres) is a declarative statement that explains why a customer should purchase your product or service. It clearly explains what differentiates you, or makes your offering “unique,” and why you are the best choice on the market.
10 Ways that you can add Value
1) offer Expert Advice in your field. 2) Bundling and/or Packaging – your products and/or services. 3) higher Service level, 4) Frequent Buyer programs. 5) On-Boarding & other Education. 6) Recognition & Reward levels. 7) higher Qualitative preference. 8)Dedicated personnel. 9) Speed of Service and/or Delivery. 10.Insider information.
Differentiate Yourself & Your Business
When you are different & more unique from everyone else, it will help you increase your brand’s recognizability. It will inevitably lead to increased demand for your products and/or services.
5 Benefits of creating a Differentiation strategy
1) Reduced price competition
2) promoting Unique products
3) getting better Profit Margins
4) higher Consumer brand loyalty
5) No perceived substitutes
How to create a Diffy (not iffy) strategy
1. Decide what you want to be known for
2. Research your Target Audience
3. do Develop Differentiators (the new 3D): Price, Reputation, Relationship, Service, unique Product, Availability
4. Tell your Story (make it an interesting one)
5. Create a brand Image that stands out
Curated Customer Quotes
- “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” – Bill Gates
- “The customer experience is the next competitive battleground.” – Jerry Jones, Dallas Cowboys
- “There is only one boss. The customer.” – Sam Walton
- “The goal as a company is to have customer service that is not just the best, but legendary.” – Sam Walton
- “Everything starts & ends with the customer” – Louis XIV, King of France
- “Customer service is an opportunity to exceed your customer’s expectations.” – Elon Musk
- The first step in exceeding your customer’s expectations is to know those expectations.” – Bill Gates
- “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi
- “The purpose of a business is to create a customer who creates more customers.” – Elon Musk (referrals)
- “If you’re not serving the customer directly, your job is to be serving someone who is.” – John F Kennedy
- Make the customer the hero of your story.” – the Hemming way
- “It’s easier to love a brand when the brand loves you back.” – Seth Godin, Author, Biz Books
- “In the world of Internet Customer Service, it’s important to remember your competitor is only one mouse click away.” – Doug Warner (one of the Warner Bro’s)
- “Every day were saying, ‘How can we keep this customer happy?’ How can we get ahead in innovation by doing this, because if we don’t, somebody else will.” – Bill Gates
- “Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves.” – Steve Jobs
Comments: do you know any other ways to get exciting Demand for your products?
fm EntrepreneurshipInaBox 11/21 significantly enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4.biz
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