14 New Year’s tips to Re-Inventing Yourself to become a Successful Entrepreneur
“To make 2018 your best year, 1) count your Blessings, 2) believe in your Abilities to conquer any challenges, 3) strive to do everything Better this year, 4) create your own Opportunities, 5) take One Day at a time, 6) Quitting is not an option (unless you find something better) Keep Going, 7) Finish what you started”
Resolutions for Successful Topics: Mentors, Network, Passion, Time, $$$, Dis-couraged, Shy, Choices.
Balance or Bezerk? I’ve re-cycled between Prosperity & Poverty. I’ve had to change careers several times. Sometimes because my interests changed. Sometimes because all bridges had been burned beyond recognition, sometimes because I desperately needed money. And sometimes just because I hated everyone in my old career or they hated me. There are other ways to re-invent yourself, but this is what worked for me & a few thousand other people. It’s been confirmed thru interviews, people writing me letters & the course over the past 20 years to be successful. You can try it or not.
1) Start from where you’re at. Every label you claim you have from before is just vanity. Were you a Professional? Ivy Leaguer? Athlete? rich family? Nobody cares. You’re starting at zero.
2) You need a Mentor, or else you could drift, sink to the bottom. Someone has to help you make decisions from their experience. Types: . . .
a) Someone who is successful and face-to-face will show you how they did it.
b) Books. Movies. You can out-source 90 % of mentorship to these. There are unlimited good books to read. First do a Book Review of the book to find out if it has the info you want. Some times a Review is enough, but if you need more info, you know you’ve got a good sources
c) If you are a zero, and have drive for re-invention, then everything you look at will be info for what you want: websites, forums, pod-casts, magazines, etc. Keep an open mind, then connect the dots.
3) How\Why should I Network? a) How ? friends & family, online communities, meetups, mentors, customers. b) Why? to share your Resolutions, add to or enhance them.
4) Don’t worry if you don’t have strong Passion for anything. You don’t need a passion to succeed. Do what you enjoy with love and success is a natural symptom. What if I have now skills? Look into careers & research ones that sound interesting to be successful.
5) How do I know what I should do? Whatever area you feel is very interesting and want to learn much more. Go online or to bookstore and find it. If you get bored in a few months, try some thing else. It’s okay to get dis-illusioned. That’s what failure is about. Success is better than failure but the biggest lessons are found in failure. There’s no rush. You will re-invent yourself many times in your life. You may fail to re-invent many times.
6) What if I’m Passionate about two things? What if I can’t decide? Combine them and you’ll be the best in the world at the combination.
7) What if I’m so excited I want to Teach what I’m learning? Start teaching on YouTube, do Podcasts, Tweet, then check out the local Meetups, Community Colleges, etc.
8) Average Time it takes to reinvent yourself: 5 years. Year:
- you’re panicking and reading everything and just starting.
- you know who you need to talk to and network with. You’re working this Guide
- if you’ve made good progress, you’re start making money – but not a living yet.
- you’re making a good living
- you’re making wealth $$$
Sometimes you get frustrated in years 1-4. I say, “Why isn’t it happening yet? Just keep going. Or stop and pick a new field. Don’t try and find the end of the road. You can’t see it in the fog. But you can see the next step and you do know that if you take that next step eventually you get to the end of the road of successful.
9) It’s not about the Money. But $$$ is a good measuring stick. Are you doing what you love?” There will be many days when you don’t love what you are doing. Happiness is just a positive perception from our brain. Some days you will be unhappy, because of the challenges you are facing.
10) How do I make Money? By year 3 you’ve put in 5,000-7,000 hours. That’s good enough to be in the top 200-300 in the world in anything. The top 200 in almost any field makes a living. By year 4 you will scale that up and make a living. Some people stop at year 4. Your choice.
11) What if I get dis-couraged? Set aside a time each week or day to review your progress. Now, what do you need to do next?
12) What if I have to deal with Discouragers all the time? Find new people to be around. Someone who is re-inventing will constantly find people to try and bring them down. The brain is scared of change (re-invention) because it might not be safe. Biologically, the brain wants you to be safe and re-invention is a risk. So it will throw people in your path who will try to stop you. Learn how to say “No.” & Go. Go for it !!!
13) What if I’m Shy? Make your weaknesses your strengths. Introverts listen better, focus better, and have ways of being more endearing.
14) The Choices you make today will be your Life tomorrow. Make interesting choices and you will have an interesting life. Choose freedom over mentor, family, friends & fools. Let your intuition be your guide to successful.
Comments: Do you have any other ideas for Re-Inventing yourself?
from Huff Post 01/18 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4.biz
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