25+ best CrowdFunding campaign strategies and Doughnuts (no Do Nots)
“Raising money thru CrowdFunding is not an easy task. People will not give you their hard-earned cash just because you have created an awesome campaign. You need a great product that they can believe in. You need to engage them in a compelling way, to give them the sense of community that will continue to be your brand advocates long after your CF campaign is over.”
CrowdFunding Topics: Research, PR, Platform, Story, Video, Social Media, Share, Referrals, Gratitude, $$$, Perks.
The Author says: “I raised over 1/2 Million in my own CrowdFunding campaign. I also write articles about CrowdFunding that have been published by Forbes, Entrepreneur & Inc Magazines. So this is one area I know a great deal of information – and I’m happy to share that with you. My goal is to empower more people with the information to change their lives through CrowdFunding – just like my mind & many people I know, changed. Here are some tips on how to promote your CF Campaign, and a list of mistakes you want to avoid.
How to Promote your CF Campaign.
The biggest source of our success was from the Press covering our campaign. It was amazing that – in the first couple of days – we were covered by Engadget, TechCrunch & Fast Company. Here’s a list of things we did, or things that you can do now that I wish I had done during our campaign.
Tips for promoting your CrowdFunding campaign to Raise more $$$ !!!
There are so many factors that should be kept in mind to be successful in CrowdFunding campaign. Here I have listed some critical factors which should be kept in high priority.
1) Do Proper Research: Detailed research is a key to success. Most of the campaigns have incomplete research and that’s one of the reasons that they don’t meet their goals. Research about: 1) the Scope of your idea, 2) the right CrowdFunding platform, 3) Marketing your campaign, Social Media strategy etc.
2) Get some PR Help. hire a PR Consultant or firm that specializes in PR for pre-seed tech companies. A great company is TalkTechCOMM in Los Angeles.
3) Selecting the Correct Platform, is a challenging task. Based on the nature of your idea, you can choose a popular 3rd party platform like KickStarter, IndieGoGo. etc or you can run your own a specific campaign page on your own website based on your idea & needs which saves your 3rd party fees. Yes its possible with FundRaisingScript to run or create your own campaign page or platform with Ease.
4) Tell your Story : The trick to success is to indulge a personal story with your idea. This helps you to trigger the emotions of the potential investors. You can also present a problem and provide a solution in such a way, that you can show them how it can improve their life.
5) Have a stunning Video : We found that a campaign with video, will raise >100% more funds, than an ordinary campaign without video. Based on these findings, we stongly recommend that you to post your campaign with a 3 minute video – presenting your situation.
6) Use Social Media tools. Use free tools like TweetBuzz to manage your accounts and respond to mentions & comments.
7) Share your Campaign: Unleash the power of a Social Media website by sharing your campaigns in it. If you do, you will get exposure & visibility from other users of these sites.
8) Find Influencers. Use BuzzSumo to find social influencers in your niche. Engage them and see if they’re open to posting about your campaign.
9) Referral sites. You can use IndieGoGo’s built in referral engine or submit your link to other affiliate websites.
10) Social Advertising. Create an advertising campaign on Facebook. This is the best way to go about advertising, since you can be very specific in who you target. Use images & videos in your ads.
11) Advertise on websites. Find websites that have the audience you want and advertise on their site.
12) Express your Gratitude to your Backers. Once the object of your campaign is launched, you should thank all the investors who helped you to launch it, in a successful manner thru your incentives &rewards.
A List of Mistakes most Founders make with their FCF Campaign.
12) Asking for too much $$$. If you ask for too much, people will doubt you can raise that much, and therefore they won’t give you any money at all.
13) Asking for too little. You want to signal that you have a realistic idea of how much your project will cost – to fulfill the perks.
14) You think that just by “asking” that the funds will come in. You’ve got to get out there and share it on Social Media & other sites.
15) Didn’t have a big Social Campaign before they launch. Try to build a following before you launch. They don’t talk to KickStarter or IndieGoGo before the launch, so they can make sure they are doing it correctly.
16) You must clearly convey why you need the $$$.
17) Make sure people know who you are. Have your links to your background so people know who you & your Team are.
18) You don’t have quality Images. Invest PT of FT in a Graphic Designer. It looks so amateur without it and you wont attract
19) Not doing any SM Ads. You’ve got to do some Facebook or Google ads when you first launch the campaign. Sales in the first 5 days are extreemly important.
20) Not making a Video. Your odds of success without a video are basically zero. Invest in a good video.
21) Not planning out the Perks well. You need to plan your Perks so that you can do “reach” perks later in your campaign to help boost the momentum.
22) They don’t price the Perks properly into the costs. Get help with this, if you need to. It can kill you after the campaign ends if you don’t charge enough.
23) Ignore the Referral Incentives. These are great tools to amplify your reach and build momentum during the slow or down-times of your campaign.
24) You have a Dumb idea. You need to create real value for people. Share your idea with family, friends & experts to verify.
25) You didn’t do sufficient Research. Take a look at all the campaigns out there that did well. You can learn what works & what doesn’t.
Comments: Do you have any other CF Strategies that have worked for you?
from Quara.com 16 Dec 19 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz
For more Info, click on CrowdFunding.