3 Key Traits of a Leader #2
from Managing America.com 8/13 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz 4/14
2. Leaders include others in a Meaningful Way.
Leaders listen, understand & provide solutions to meet the needs of the people they lead. They don’t set their own agenda and then try to dictate to others, it is the right agenda for them. Instead, they set their agenda based on what others need, and they believe meeting the needs of others is the best & right thing to do. They discover what is needed by including others, by working alongside them & paying attention to what could be improved.
3. Are willing to Step Out Front to Lead.
Even though leaders pay attention to what people want and need, they don’t allow themselves to be swept up by the “flavor of the day” or in the passing whims of others. They may adjust their course, but they will always keep their destination [Vision] in mind and persevere to reach it. The leader’s consistency assures others. People trust a leader who maintains self-control and is calm, cool & collected – even in the face of adversity. Leaders don’t hang back with the crowd and rely on security & numbers. They set out into the open, vulnerable & exposed, when they need to. (Just not foolishly exposed by their own ego) By doing so, they are taken more seriously.
Have Bold Courage to en-Courage others. What is it that enables someone to inspire hope – even when they might not be feeling it? What does it take for someone to set aside their own agenda and instead craft plans to meet the needs of others? And how can someone step out into the front if they are scared or uncomfortable in doing that? It all comes down to having the courage of your convictions. If you truly believe in doing what is right for others, then you will be comfortable and courageous taking those bold steps to make it happen – which will encourage them to go along with you.
Your Team needs you as their Leader. Think about what your team genuinely needs in order to feel successful. Consider where they truly clamor for leadership. Give it to them. Don’t do it because you want to be followed, do it because they want to be led. Then you will be a leader.
Comments: What do you think are the Key Traits of a Leader?