3 Ways & 7 Steps of the Delegation Process to Increase your Productivity
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INTRO: 3 Ways to increase Productivity
Why? Do you want to increase your productivity? What does that mean for you? Simply, that’s more work done at the same time. How can you succeed in increasing productivity? You need an excellent delegation process in place if you want to succeed.
Higher productivity is simply more work done in the same period invested in that specific work. One of the strategies that you can use to increase your productivity is to delegate some of your current tasks.
Results of a poor Environ. Do you have a chance to see or to work in an organization where everyone delegates to everyone, and everyone works on everything, and in the end, the results are nothing?
Observe. Do you have a chance to see how a task is delegated from a manager to all middle-level managers? In such a situation, no one starts with the work because they think that other managers or departments that have also received the task will begin to work on it. Do you have a chance to see one task to be delegated to the manager or employee even if it is not the real job of that person?
3 Ways to increase Productivity
#1 Get Organized to improve yourself by improving your skills for the job you have to do, and using technology to help you do more things simultaneously.
#2 Increase your Working Hours – which can’t be presented as increased productivity, but, if you measure productivity daily, then increasing working hours will increase your daily productivity because you can do more things per day.
#3 Delegate some of your usual daily tasks. If you can do this, you can add something more important to your To-Do list to improve your productivity.
Let’s discuss delegation as a possible way to increase your time to work on the important stuff for you and your business.
What is Delegation?
When your business starts growing rapidly, the tasks you need to do become more complex, and there are different responsibilities among Team members become less defined. It would help if you delegated more of these things.
Possibility. If you don’t take appropriate measures, this growth, instead of enjoyment for you as an entrepreneur, will lead to chaos & negative consequences as a result of the rapid growth of your company. Disorganization can become a part of your everyday work. But, with the proper delegation, all organizational members (managerial and non-managerial staff) will benefit. It is a key to increasing effectiveness & efficiency in your organization. The delegation will benefit all organizational members.
How? Delegation is the process when managers & entrepreneurs transfer some of their responsibilities for task accomplishments to others. Delegation is about giving your team members the responsibility to do some of the tasks you have done in the past. This process may help in achieving many goals, and one of the most important are the following:
- Reduce the burden & workload of the manager.
- Improve productivity.
- Develop self-confidence in organizational members.
- Encouraging people to work more efficiently.
- Creating a good team spirit.
How to Implement an effective Delegation Process?
First, you must be aware that you must delegate some of your tasks. The biggest mistake is when you want to continue to work alone on everything. You are not a superman. You are a normal human being. Let’s start with the steps of the delegation process. These are important steps that can help you to start delegating.
Step 1: Identify the Tasks that you can delegate.
This is the first step in which you must perform analysis to classify / prioritize tasks that you can & should delegate. Certainly, some tasks will remain entirely under your control, whether you are a manager or entrepreneur. Important in this step is to identify what you can delegate and should delegate.
What Delegate? You need to analyze and classify what you should continue to do and what you can delegate. You will not lose anything because the most critical tasks will stay in your complete control. However, you can delegate the functions that are repeatable, easy to do, or still need to be done on one side, and something that’s not so important for your attention.
This may seem like a simple step, but it can be the difference between success & failure in delegating tasks. I put this before the delegation itself, because you can’t delegate all your tasks. Also, you cant delegate tasks to people who aren’t capable of doing the work.
- ID. You should identify all the tasks you need to do. The next step is to assess the tasks to prioritize them and check if you can delegate some of them to another who can perform them well. For instance, if you’re working on a project with three other people, perhaps you can assign one person to handle the Email, another to do research & writing, then the third to deal with the day-to-day tasks.
Which? So, when you’ve done prioritization, you must sort out which tasks you can delegate. This is an essential part of the process. Without it, you’ll end up doing everything yourself, and even if you’re super-efficient, you’re still going to run into problems.
Step 2: Determine who will be in charge of Delegated tasks.
In this step, you must simply identify people you will rely on for appropriate tasks specified in the previous step. As mentioned earlier, you’ll want to delegate to people who can take action on items that need to be done on your behalf.
When you delegate tasks to someone else, you give them the responsibility to complete a specific task. But you’re not just handing over the responsibility; you’re giving the person the authority to do the job. That means you trust the person to act on your behalf and take the necessary steps to get the job done. If you want to delegate some of your tasks, you need people who can work on delegated tasks. Simply find people who will be responsible for some of your current jobs.
Define the Task that you will Delegate.
Define. Before you delegate some of your tasks, you need precisely to clearly define these tasks. You don’t want to work on unclear or poorly defined tasks. The same is for the person in charge of that task. It is possible that your team member doesn’t know what he has to do or how much time it will take him to complete that task. This can cause a lot of stress and even lead to an disappointed employee. Therefore, to have a happy employee, you need to communicate clearly with him. You should not just say, “I want him/her to do this.” You should clearly specify what you expect from them. For example, if you assign a task to your colleague and you don’t know how much time they have to finish it, you should tell them when you need it completed.
Step 4: How to Delegate tasks.
The delegation process is transferring the responsibility for the tasks from you to another person by notifying that person. When you tell the person what s/he needs to do, you must tell them your precise expectations. This will be helpful for the person in charge, especially if the delegated task, until now, was only your responsibility.
You should always clearly understand what you expect from the other person. If the person does not do his job as you expected, you should tell him that. Do not criticize the person, and be polite. This is the most common mistake people make when delegating.
Step 5: Monitor progress& encourage.
The delegation process doesn’t finish when you transfer the responsibility. You must follow the implementation process. If there is a need for something, you are responsible for encouraging the person in charge and giving him adequate help – as needed. Delegation doesn’t mean that you will be free from work. The delegator should constantly monitor the progress of the work and if there is a need to encourage and help the team member to do the job.
If your organization has a lot of people and a lot of work to do, you must ensure that the work is done on time. This is why it is important for you to be a good team manager.
Step 6: Evaluation of Delegated tasks.
The last step in a delegation process is your responsibility. You need to check how the delegated task was performed.
Questions & Monitoring: Should you make some changes to increase productivity in the future? Will you need to make some adjustments to the workflow? When delegating a task to someone else, be sure to document everything that was done and provide all the information needed to complete the task. This will help you when you go back to the task and evaluate the completion. Check your delegated task every day or week – based on the type of task.
Frequently Asked Questions about Delegation
What delegation means?
Delegation means giving responsibility and authority over a task or project to another person so that you do not have to take care of everything by yourself. This can also mean letting someone else take care of your responsibilities and tasks.
Why is delegation important?
Delegation helps us to avoid overloading ourselves and prevents burnout. It’s a way of reducing work for your self – to concentrate on our higher priority items. (ie, you’re delegating the responsibility to someone else so you can focus on something else, like more important things). Delegation lets you save time, money & energy, so you can use that time, money, energy to pursue more important things or do things you really like to do.
What is effective delegation?
Effective delegation means the team member feels like they are making the decision but, at the same time, has some control over the outcome. In a perfect world, the manager will have a high level of confidence in the team member, but will monitor the progress, encourage & help the team member to do the job correctly, so you’ll both feel good about it.
Comments: Do you know anything else – that should be in the Delegation process?
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