Quotes to Inspire you to become a “disruptive” Entrepreneur to assure success
Important lessons in Life & how to implement with an Action Plan
Small, Bliss, Fear, Give, React, Instinct, Action, Passion, Challenge, Do it now, Purpose, Action Plan
Entrepreneurs are an interesting people. They go against the traditional Career Path and create their own. Although entrepreneurs are ambitious, they do come across obstacles where just a few words can re-ignite the passion behind their mission / purpose & ultimate goal. There is a lot of power behind the words of good Business Quotes – which can inspire, increase passion, & even start a movement. An issue with quotes can be that they are just read and not reflected upon.
Disruptive Entrepreneurs are:
–one who shows the desire & will to continue forward – despite opposition, negativity, & resist conventional thinking.
–focus on a few quotes and read them again to inspire them to action.
This approach allows you – the disruptive entrepreneur – to focus on your idea that is full of opportunities. These quotes will unleash and inspire the rebel in all entrepreneurs. (see Action Items at the end)
“I’m going to inspire people around me by doing anything I can, even if it’s something really small.” – Mother Theresa
2. “Follow your bliss and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be.” – Joseph Campbell
As long as you are doing what you love to do and continue to work at it, doors will open for you. Active patience is always rewarded.
3. “You gain strength, courage, & confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
Without fear there is no such thing as strength, courage, and confidence. Becoming an entrepreneur takes courage. Having the strength to stay on your journey as a disruptive entrepreneur means you’re focused. Set a goal for yourself. Keep raising the bar.
4. “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill
To live is to give. A disruptive entrepreneur fights against the status quo of building up the dollars in the bottom line and focus on the bottom line being the amount of people they help.
5. “It is the way we react to circumstances, that determines our success.”- Dale Carnegie, Steel Baron
When things get rough, you cannot let your emotions take you over. You may not always have control over your circumstances, but you are in control of your emotions. What can you learn from this?
6. “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build your own Door.” – Milton Berle, Comedian.
As an entrepreneur, you are waiting for that one opportunity to be that tipping point where the game changes. If you are finding yourself patiently waiting, but nothing is coming, it may be time to brain-storm & research to find out the opportunity
7. “We could never learn to be brave & patient if there were only joy in the world.” – Helen Keller
Entrepreneurs can’t expect everything to be go well. Bill Gates said, “I learn more from my mistakes.”
8. “If you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities. If you believe it won’t, you will only see obstacles.” – Wayne Dyer, Motivation Speaker
Every obstacle means there is opportunity right around the corner. You approach determines the outcome.
9. “It’s never too late to be what you might have been.” – George Eliot, Author
Maybe you thought about how things would be different if you were more of a risk taker or didn’t have the fear of rejection. It’s normal to have these feelings. Do it anyway !!!
10. “First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.” – Mahatma Gandhi
It’s not easy being an entrepreneur. You will not always get the support you need. You will be constantly rejected and made fun of. And there will always be someone ahead of you or trying to out-do you. That’s okay. It means you are doing something right.
11. “Trust your own instinct” – Billy Wilder, Movie Director
Give yourself more credit. Entrepreneurs cannot be afraid of listening to their instincts no matter how much criticism you think you will receive of make some mistakes. Persist.
12. “If the path before you is clear, you’re probably on someone else’s.” – Joseph Campbell, Author
As a disruptive entrepreneur, you create your own path. If you find that the grass is always green and the paths are beautifully manicured, then there is a good chance you are missing out on the opportunities waiting specifically for you.
13. “To wish you were someone else, is to waste the person you are.” – Sven Eriksson, Soccer Star.
When you start comparing yourself to other successful people and wishing you were like them or have what they have, the world misses out on you showing who you truly are. We all have something unique to contribute.
14. “Life’s blows cannot break a person whose spirit is warmed by the fire of passion.” – Norman Vincent Peale
It’s important to keep your entrepreneurial fire lit. People & events will try to break you down – intentionally or not. As long as you surround yourself with the right people and you truly believe in your mission or idea, nothing can stop you.
15. “Act as if what you do makes a difference, because it does.” – William James, Author
Your idea, services, or product, matters. Why? Because you believe it matters. Now you have to convince some other people.
16. “If may lose today, but win tomorrow. Live with a never-ending spirit of challenge to become a victor.” – Daisuka Ikeda, Author
Not every day is going to be a good day. If every day is perfect then you are not reaching high enough. Stretch yourself a little beyond what you think you can do.
17. “Don’t wait for your feelings to change, to take action. Take the action and your feelings will change.” – Barbara Baron, Consultant
You don’t always want to wake up before the sun rises. But you do. How you start your morning primes your fitness for taking action. The longer you wait, the less motivated you will be
18. “If you are going to do something, make sure it’s purposeful” – Lao Tzu You need to keep you energy levels high as a disruptive entrepreneur. Filling up your day with insignificant tasks will only drain your energy and leave you feeling weak when obstacles or opportunities approach.
Action Items: Follow these steps with the following list of above quotes:
- Save your favorite quotes to your computer
- Choose one disruptive entrepreneur Quote for the day
- Read the quote throughout the day (morning, afternoon, and at the end of your day)
- Save the ones that inspire you. Discard the rest.
- Research to find new quotes to inspire you.
- Share your best quotes with family & friends
Comments: Do you know of any examples of Quotes that inspired toward an achievement?
from Life Hack 7/16 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz