12 Traits of World’s top Successful Entrepreneurs
– a To-Do Checklist to help you succeed in your Business and maybe grow beyond your wildest expectations.
Topics: Purpose, Focus, Niches, Education, Network, Challenge, Open Mind, Contribution, Bounce-Back, Mind-Set, Confidence
Over many years I’ve had the great pleasure of meeting & working with, some of the most extra-ordinary Successful Entrepreneurs on the planet. This includes everyone from Jobs to Branson to Zuck and hundreds of others beyond. In this time I’ve noticed some common characteristics that they all share.
By identifying these traits, those of us aspiring to be better entrepreneurs have a checklist to work with. Here are 12 of the most common characteristics I have observed from many of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs.
1.Clarity of Purpose. Without exception they are totally clear on why they are here and their big picture reason for existing. It varies among these Successful Entrepreneurs, most want their idea to improve the world. They set short & long term Goals to accomplish this.
2. Focus on the most important things 1st. Brian Tracy wrote the excellent book called “Focal Point” where he explains his process in getting focused & staying focused. I think that this characteristic exists among all successful entrepreneurs. They have the ability to control their thoughts & actions + be totally present & focused with whatever is most important at the time.
3. Good at finding Needs & Niches of Opportunity. I sometimes think that successful entrepreneurs have a pair of “opportunity glasses”. They somehow seem able to identify opportunity in just about every situation. This opportunity tends to be in the niches, and as the old saying goes, there’s “Riches are in the Niches”. Once they find a strong need, they find the perfect niche for it.
4. Invest in themselves on all levels. The elite Successful Entrepreneurs understand that they need to grow their skills. They take care of themselves physically & mentally and take time out to recharge their batteries on a regular basis.
5. Form extensive Networks, and actively keep in touch with them. It is interesting to note their attitude towards their network. Without exception they treat their networks with exceptional respect. They have built these relationships over many years, their contacts are highly influential in many ways & sometimes have the ability to grow each other’s business by leaps & bounds. give more than they take, and they act without expectation of reciprocity.
6. They constantly Challenge themselves, in every way possible. They are big learners, they do things that are way out of their comfort zones, push themselves physically, work hard, & play hard. This attitude encourages self-challenge and makes them strong. It makes them better able to deal with the issues that we all face in life. It keeps their minds active, their bodies fit & their attitudes positive.
7. An Open Mind for Life. The most impressive of these world-class successful entrepreneurs to me are the oldest. The oldest have achieved things way beyond what most people could dream of, yet they still have an open mind. They don’t rest on their laurels, instead they are always looking for ways to learn more about what they are doing – and most importantly – how they could do it better.
8. A Contribution Culture, is their way of leaving a legacy, making a difference. These leaders all have an incredibly generous nature, sharing their success, wisdom & much more. For many it becomes their purpose for being, especially now have the resources to do it.
9. Bounce-back from Set-backs. We all face ups & downs in our life. Some unlucky people have a seemingly endless supply of downs that would break most of us. All of the high achieving Successful Entrepreneurs I have studied have had incredible challenges in their lives. They could easily have hidden behind these challenges and played the victim, but they don’t. They have become resilient over time & they get more resilient every day.
10. A $M Mind-set, that embraces abundance & opportunity is often the difference between a rich Successful Entrepreneurs and poor entrepreneur. I see so many people struggling in business. They always have & they always will, simply because their financial mid-set is to be broke. Anyone stuck in this zone needs to start re-programming their brain. (Coding anyone?) Any limiting belief can be changed, we simply need to have a strong enough desire to change. If you are sick of being broke, develop your own $M mind.
11. They have total Confidence in themselves. Every one of the world-class Successful Entrepreneurs that I’ve worked with has an incredible sense of self-confidence. They believe in their purpose – even if no one else will. To me this is the toughest of all the characteristics because it means overcoming doubt, fear, self worth & self esteem issues + often going against their peers.
12. They believe in Technology. Interestingly enough many of these incredible entrepreneurs are techno Cavemen, but that doesn’t stop them believing in the importance of tech, nor does it stop them investing vast sums of money into technology to do what they do better. It is that belief that is more important than their own individual skills. As new technology become available, they will try it, invest in it & see how it can make their business & their life more on par with what they want to achieve.
Comments: Do you know any Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs?
from INC Zine 30 Aug 16 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz