7 Tips: beat’g Pro-crastinatn to death + Motivation
Instead of just being an Amateur, you’re a Pro-Crastinator. Get motivation now & guarantee your Success
Pro-Crastination Topics: Why? Type, Consequences, Starting, Challenge, Psych’g, Enjoying, Time, Delegate or Out-source.
Pro-crastination kills productivity and inhibits success. We’ve all been there. There are days when you just can’t seem to get anything done, no matter how organized you usually are. You know you’ve got a hugely important task to do, but you never seem to get around to it – no Motivation. Why does this happen and what can you do about it, so you have more successful & productive days?
Why we Pro-crastinate. Let’s face it, some of us just can’t help it – pro-crastination is how our brains are programmed. An article from the Association for Psychological Science (APS) says there are 2 types of pro-crastinators: chronic & situational.
- Chronic pro-crastinators pro-crastinate in almost every situation – that’s the norm for them.
- Situational pro-crastinators may pro-crastinate because of how they feel about a particular task.
- Amateur-crastinators haven’t developed these deviations yet. There’s more hope for them.
Situational pro-crastinator? You don’t like or enjoy the task you have to do, you will find it easy to spend (or waste) time on less important tasks, resulting in a day that’s significantly less productive than you could have had. If a task is boring, frustrating & unstructured or you don’t feel any sense of personal reward (motivation) you won’t want to do it.
The APS Article lists a few other reasons why people just don’t get things done. Some people pro-crastinate because:
- They are concerned about how people will evaluate their work
- Success may make others have higher expectations of them
- They are happy just existing at their current level
7 Tips 4 Beating Pro-crastination
We’ve talked before about the importance of getting the most important task out of the way first. But that doesn’t work for everyone. How many times has this worried your so much – it’s all you can think about. There’s other ways.
1. Imagine the Consequences, if you don’t do the task. How will it affect the Project & other people? Therefore, is it worth your effort? Where does it fit in your To-Do List? What priority does it have?
2.. Just get Started to “avoid” Pro-crastinating by Default. Just getting started is important. When building good Habits, the key to success to take the first step. That’s true, whichever technique you use to beat pro-crastination. Speaking of habits, don’t let pro-crastination become your default mode. And don’t let a day of pro-crastination stop you from succeeding. The author of the “4 Hour Work Week” says we should “budget for human nature instead of trying to conquer it”. That means allowing for some pro-crastination, but then getting started again.
3. Make Productivity a Challenge. Another author suggests another approach – reducing the boredom by turning challenging tasks into a game. For example, you can make a private bet on how many words of that report you can write in the next 30 or 60 minutes. The point is to achieve something before you become so bored that you can’t do anything – no motivaton.
4. Psych yourself into Productivity. Decide whether your core principle is being as productive as possible. Here’s a hint from Jim Collins, author of “Good to Great”. The most successful people achieve “sustained excellence”, producing & delivering day in, day out. They stay in the Motivation mode.
5. Do Tasks you Enjoy to get Moving -Motivation. Remember, if tasks you don’t like aren’t any motivation for you, then doing tasks you DO like can increase motivation, productivity &completion. If you’re not quite ready to start that big project, why not work on some of your other To-Dos? Pick some tasks you enjoy – that have to be done anyway– and get them out of the way. It will put you in a better frame of mind for handling the big, important task.
6. Balance your Time. Eventually, that critical task has to be done. Here are some ways to reduce procrastination. Prime yourself for success by breaking the large project or task into smaller tasks
- Reduce the amount of time you allocate to each of those tasks, then it won’t feel like something huge hanging over your head
- Cross off those smaller tasks whenever you can, so you feel a sense of accomplishment
7. Delegate or Out-source. If you have tried everything and still can’t get that big project out of the way, maybe it’s not right for you. In that case, see if you can delegate the project to someone who will have the passion & motivation to succeed, then move onto something that you find more exciting.
Conclusion: Use these seven approaches and you will pro-crastinate less and achieve more of what you should be doing.
Comments: Do you have any other ideas on how to “kill” pro-crastination?
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