5 ways to get an Advantage over your Competition
“Competition motivates and drives people to excel, and enables people to learn & benefit from their strengths & weaknesses”. – Tony Robbins, Motivation Speaker
Topics: People Developer, Dream Team, raving Fans & Advocates, Positioning, Giants, Movements, Quotes on Competition
Are you Unique? What differentiates you from everybody else, and why should people choose you and your organization over your competition? These are questions you should be asking yourself on a consistent basis, and as leaders we’re always looking for ways increase our leverage. Leverage can change your life and business, but only if you take full advantage of it.
How? In this challenging new economy you need every advantage you can get, especially in business & other organizations. Gaining the advantage over your competition isn’t easy and challenges are often bountiful, but the upside out-weighs the tough times. Here are five (5) fail-proof ways to gain an advantage over your competition – as a Leader:
1. Become a People Developer. One of the biggest learning curves I had to go through as a young Founder of any organization was, realizing I couldn’t do it all by myself. You not only need a solid team around you, but you need to know how to develop & lead that team. When you watch sports, you’ll find the most successful teams play well together, compliment each other & have one single focus –Winning !!!
Dream Team. The same goes as a Leader and in your life. The people you have in your inner circle, and those you associate with the most are your team. Who needs to be on your team to make sure you have a “Dream Team”? All successful people have mastered building teams, and have supportive people around them that compliment their strengths and make up for their weaknesses.
2. Create raving Fans & Advocates. The likelihood of your Target Market responding, just because you want something is not realistic. Leadership is the management of promises and if you can consistently deliver and/or exceed promises for all your customers, your organization will be a winner. It’s 10x more expensive to get a new customer than it is to take care of the ones you have. The purpose of your organization is to create raving fans & advocates, who will go out of their way to promote what you do. Not because you asked them, but because they’re inspired to do so. Outstanding Client Support & Service is affected by every person in your organization — from the lowest to the top. You must create a culture where people are passionate about meeting the client’s needs.
3. Positioning is usually better than Prospecting. Everybody is looking for prospects, clients & customers. This never-ending process could eventually burn you out, and is tough to scale. An easier way to approach your business is to position yourself as the leading authority, expert, specialist or trusted advisor in your field. This takes strategic & intentional action, but the rewards can be exponential. When you’re perceived as the expert, people will start coming to you vs. you chasing them. Be more selective & exclusive, and make it an honor to work with you.
4. Stand on the Shoulders of Giants. You don’t need to re-invent the wheel, and you sure as hell don’t need to figure everything out yourself. Find something that is already working and make it better. A smart person learns from their mistakes – as all successful people do – but those wanting world-class results learn from other people’s mistakes – so they can shorten their learning curve – and not waste as much time.
5. Limited Products & Services can Fail, Movements don’t. Re-position your business and make it “about something.” Think about Disney. It’s not about movies, amusement parks or cruises. Disney is where “Dreams & fantasies come true.” Think about how Subway went from being a Fast-Food chain to being a Weight-loss program. Founder on a mission bigger than themselves. are always attracting top tier talent. Life becomes much more fulfilling when you become involved in a movement or a cause greater than yourself.
Competition Quotes:
“Competition is always a good thing. It forces us to do our best. A monopoly renders people complacent and satisfied with mediocrity.” – Nancy Pearcy,Author
“I have been up against tough competition all my life. I wouldn’t know how to get along without it.” – Walt Disney
“Creativity may well be the last advantage we can take to beat the competition.” – Dave Trott, US Rep, Mich, Dave Trott
“The healthiest competition occurs when average people win, by putting above average effort.” – Gen. Colin Powell, Secretary of State
“Competition is the keen cutting edge of business, always shaving away at costs.” – Henry Ford
“Competition builds character and produces stronger determination, despite the stresses & pressures of competition” – Wayne Dyer, Motivation Speaker
“I love competition, really going for it & doing my best, but losing isn’t really upsetting to me. I feel like if I do lose, the other person really deserved it. – Tom Brady, QB, NE Patriots
“I feel sorry for those who live without competition. They’re fat, dumb, & unhappy in cradle-to-grave security. – Donald Kendall, Author, “How to Manage”
# 1: Cash is king. # 2: Communicate. # 3: Buy or bury the competition.” – Jack Welch, GE. “Tuff Competition”
Comments: Do you know of any other ways to get an Advantage over your Competition?
from Entrepreneurs.com 06 Aug 16 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz
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