5 Steps to become a great World-Class business
Performing under pressure comes from preparation, mental focus & fearlessness. It’s needed to become a truly great World-Class business.
Topics: Stick to your Routine, Practice to perfect, Appreciate the Moment, Don’t be afraid to Fail, World-Class Quotes
Performance Anxiety is often connected with sports. We think of the elite athlete who always comes through when the attention is on them and the game is on the line. However, producing when the moment most demands it, isn’t exclusive to the world of athletics. Nailing the big sales pitch, pulling off the impossible deadline or anticipating a client’s needs – before they do – also can fall in the category of Performance Anxiety. How is it that when the time calls for excellence some fade under the pressure, while others love the challenge and excel? Here are five ways to go from average to world-class Performance Anxiety:
1. Reduce by Sticking to your Routine.. When you’re having Performance Anxiety in a big moment, it often doesn’t often feel like one. The “moment” feels like any other one of the countless times you’ve been successful, because you’ve accomplished this time & time again. It’s also critical to be in the right frame of mind leading up to the moment. In the hours, minutes or seconds beforehand, get yourself in a familiar rhythm. It could be wearing an outfit that you feel comfortable & confident in, visualizing success in your mind.
2. Practice to perfect it. Repetition through practice breeds familiarity. The more accustomed you are with any given situation, the less your anxiety will be a factor. When you’ve been there and done that dozens of times, this naturally increases the level of confidence you have to complete the task at hand. The one critical mistake most people make when they prepare, is that they go through the motions instead of practicing a real life situation. In other words, when they get to the actual situation, it feels different. The familiarity they attempted to lock-in with practice was partially wasted. To be truly reduce Performance Anxiety, you need to make your rehearsal as close to the real deal as possible. As an example, if you’ve got an important speech coming up, go run through the speech in the board room or stage where you’ll actually be presenting later.
3. Appreciate the Moment. Reducing Performance Anxiety means that you embrace the big moment and the time leading up to it. Contrast that with someone who can’t wait for the moment to pass or thinks, “If I can just get past this.” Remember, the moment is what you’ve worked hard to achieve. This is why you’ve put in the work — to get this opportunity.
Focus. When in the midst of a tremendous opportunity that calls for a performance, it’s all too easy to chase too many mental targets at once. Distractions creep into the picture. A good performance demands total focus & concentration. They don’t require more thoughts processed quicker; they require fewer distractions, or a simplification of the process. One way to help keep your thoughts simplified is to consciously direct them toward the positive and to drill down to the bare bones. When we get overly ambitious with our mental pursuits, allowing our thoughts to flow from one topic to another, it can be distracting, draining & take us off target. Slow things down by thinking only of the task at hand and exactly what it will require.
5. Don’t be afraid to Fail. The fact is, no one can come through in the critical moment 100 % of the time. Look closely at the statistics of any outstanding athlete and you’ll find a time where they lost a round, big game or failed to score. Nobody is perfect, and the pursuit of the un-obtainable imposes a performance anxiety that will surely cause more misses than hits. Allow yourself to get past failures — learn, move on and enjoy the wins.
Quotes on becoming a
World-Class Business.
“Whether you think you can, or think you can’t — you’re right.”– Henry Ford
“It’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen.” – Scott Belsky, co-founder Behance
“In the end, a vision without the ability to execute it, is a hallucination.” – Steve Case, founder AOL
“Risk more than others think is safe. Dream more than others think is practical.” -Howard Schultz, Starbucks
“Empower yourself and realize the importance of contributing to the world by living your talent. Work on what you love. You are responsible for the talent that has been entrusted to you.” – Catharina Bruns, Founder WorkIsNotaJob
“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.” – Vince Lombardi, Hall of Fame, Head Coach
“Fail often so you can succeed sooner.” – Tom Kelley, founder Ideo
“What do you need to start a business? Three simple things: know your product better than anyone, know your customer, and have a burning desire to succeed.” – Dave Thomas, founder Wendy’s
“Make your team feel respected, empowered and genuinely excited about the company’s mission.” –Tim Westergen, Pandora Founder
Comments: Do you have any other ideas about becoming a World-Class business?
from Intl News Live 7 Nov 16 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz
Click on these Links, for more info: World-Class, Scaling, Growing a Biz.