7 Things you should do to have the most Productivity
When you have more Productivity, you can make a more significant contribution and feel better about it.
Topics: Productivity, Prioritize your Planning, Use what works best for you, Give yourself (+) Affirmations, Move it or lose it, Water, Meditation is better than medication !!!
Is it really Necessary? Developing daily habits that can put you in the same league as the most successful & productive people on this planet? As a leader, what you achieve in a day matters. Having good productivity from the start of the day is key to building a thriving organization. Fortunately, you can learn to become a productive person to maximize that productivity all day. Here are seven (7) habits to have a more productive day – every day:
Pick a Daily Routine that suits you. According to a study by a psychologist, you have a limited amount of energy every day. You need a routine to minimize your decision-making in your daily routine. But what does an effective daily routine look like? Most successful people have specific routines they follow every day, which you can draw inspiration and increased productivity from. For example: 1) Arianna Huffington [Huff News] starts her day with meditation & yoga, 2) Oprah Winfrey starts her day with an hour at the gym & 3) Sheryl Sandberg (Google) takes frequent breaks & meditates at the end of the day.
1. Eat a good Breakfast to get off to a good start. According to a study by the Biotech-nology & Biological Sciences Research Council, eating breakfast affects your energy levels for the rest of the day. Your breakfast should always include protein like milk, yogurt, eggs, nuts (peanut butter), whole grains in the form of cereal or bread [toast] or a little pancakes and some fruit. Pancakes are relatively high in fat, calories carbs & salt, so should only be eaten about once a week. Avoid frozen or takeout. They are loaded with carbs, sugar & saturated fats to taste good.
2. Prioritize your Planning. According to Leadership expert Brian Tracy, 10-15 minutes of planning means you save 1-2 hours of unnecessary effort. So you should plan your day the night before or first thing after you get to work. Sit down and define the most important tasks for the day.
3. Use an Approach that works best for you. Either start with a few short minor tasks to get started & get momentum or start working on your priorities right away. Completing these will increase your productivity and create a sense of accomplishment, which will help you move forward with other tasks. It’s necessary to focus on what helps you achieve your goals, mission & vision. Ask yourself daily, “What can I achieve today that will move me closer to these?”
4. Give yourself (+) Affirmations. This is an excellent way to ensure you’re keeping up with your goals. After all, your daily routine is the best time to set the pace for the day and your life. Granted, creating successful daily habits requires “persistence”. But once you have them working for you, you’ll always be on top of things. By thriving from the start of the day – through-out & finish – you position yourself and your organization for great success.
5. Exercise or just “move it” – to stay Energized throughout the day. A study published in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research tracked the stress levels of people who walked at different times. Those who exercised experienced several benefits, such as improved sleep quality + decreased levels of stress & anxiety. The message is clear: Exercise in the daily, even if it’s just a short walk when you take a break. A short walk will re-energize you when you are feeling tired – get more blood to your brain and help you think better.
6. Always have Water handy to drink, because it can boost your productivity. According to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 1/2 of all adults in America drink too little water. Yet, even mild levels of dehydration can affect mood & cognitive functioning/reasoning. Make a habit of having a water near you all the time so you can drink it anytime. If you get attuned to your body, it will tell you when it wants water & how much. The recommendation by the CDC is drinking at least four cups of water a day. (at least 1 to 2 bottled waters a day)
7. Get mindful with Meditation. Mindfulness helps you keep your mind from wandering, which is crucial for staying productive. Scientific America magazine explains how meditation helps your brain focus through mindfulness: “As the Amygdala [which is involved in the initiation of the body’s response to stress] shrinks, the pre-frontal cortex – associated with higher order brain functions (awareness, concentration & decision-making), becomes thicker”. By meditating every day, you boost your focus throughout the day. Meditation doesn’t have to be harder than just sitting down for a few moments and listening to what goes on around you. You could even do it when you take a restroom break. For some, first thing in the morning is best. For others, meditating when you’re lying down to go to sleep helps you fall asleep easier. Either way, you’ve programmed your brain for the day. Also when your mind relaxes – thru meditation – that allows great ideas to come thru. Keep a pad near you to write them down. If you don’t, they may not come back.
Productive Quotes
“You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, expect to win, then take the action to win. – Zig Ziglar, Motivation Speaker
“Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities. Without a humble – but reasonable – confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy. – Norman Vincent Peale, Pastor
“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life. – Muhammad Ali, #1 Boxer
“You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they need and/or want. – Zig Ziglar
“Good leadership consists of showing average people how to do the work of superior people. – John D. Rockefeller $B
“Making a significant contribution gives you meaning & purpose. Life is empty without it. – Stephen Hawking, Scientist
Comments: Do you know any other ways to be have more Productivity?
from Elite Daily.com 19 Nov 16 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz
For more info, click on the Link Productivity.