25 Habits that all Happy & Successful People have
are compiled here – in hopes of giving you a good guideline to living the life of your dreams – whatever that may be !!!
Topics: Confident, Focused, Driven, Open, Teachable, Planning, Risks, Responsible, Flexible, Give Back & many more . . .
Happy and/or Successful? But being happy and being successful don’t necessarily go hand-in-hand. While being happy may very well require being successful, being successful does not guarantee happiness.
Happiness is more complex because it encompasses the entirety of your life — every aspect contributes to you whole personality.
Success is the accomplishment of a goal or purpose of your life. In fact, it may also be accompanied by popularity and/or prosperity.
Attitude will determine your Altitude. What matters most is that you have the right outlook & the right habits. Habits that lead to happiness & success.
25 Habits of Happy & Successful people are compiled here – in hopes of giving you a good guideline to living the life of your dreams – whatever that may be !!!
1. Confident & Focused. They are sure of themselves and focus on moving toward their goals. Uncertainty is the key component of failure.
2. Driven. They forget who they were and focus on who they want to be.
3. Open-Minded. There’s always another way to do it — a way that may very well be better. They don’t have too big of an ego and are not afraid to ask others for ideas.
4. Teachable. They accept constructive criticism. You aren’t always right; others may have a clearer perspective than yourself and you can learn from this.
5. Do the right thing, because it’s the “right” thing. Having moral standards and following them, alleviates the chances of feeling guilt.
6. Completion. If they start something, they finish it. If you’re not going to finish what you started, then why bother taking it in the first place and not keeping your promise?
7. Live in the moment. You cant re-live your past or live in the expected future, so live in the moment. Concentrate on the most important things to get you to your goals.
8. Look ahead. Let go of their past and are looking for new possibilities for their future.
9. Challenge the Status-quo. The way things are always done, isn’t always the best way to do things. Look for ways to do it “Better, Faster or Cheaper”.
10. Be risqué [LoL] Take Risks. Fear is normal – as long as you don’t let it block you. “The bigger the Risk, the greater the Reward”.
11. Responsible. They are willing to admit when they are wrong. If you can’t accept that you’re wrong then there’s no room to learn from it & move on to better things.
12. Build a Network. They surround themselves with those who are worthy. Good friends can help you become who you want to be.
13. Respect others and get respect in return. We are all human and should all be treated kindly & respectfully.
14. Learn from others – heroes & mentors who have been thru it. Having role-models & guidance makes life easier.
15. True to themselves. They focus and act on what they believe is right and don’t act simply to please. If you’re constantly pleasing others then you won’t have time to please yourself.
16. Challenges are an opportunity to learn & grow as individuals. If you’re never challenged, then you’re never going to grow stronger – to take on the next challenge.
17. More Flexible. They are quick to adapt. If evolution has taught us anything, it’s this: those who adapt the fastest & most efficiently, are those who survive.
18. Don’t Complain. If the situation can’t be changed and you can’t avoid doing what you have to do, then there’s no reason to complain; it only causes more stress.
19. Just say No! Successful people have no problem with saying “No.” Often at times, it’s the things & opportunities that you turn down because (you don’t have time or you don’t see the value or it’s too complex & you don’t want to make the effort).
20. Exercise regularly. Your body is the carrier of your brain. Keep it in good shape, to function at your best. A bonus of exercise is, it pumps more blood thru your brain – which enables you to have more & better ideas.
21. Always be Learning. You can improve your knowledge of your profession or learn about other things that will help you be a better balanced person (ie, home & work).
22. Don’t get Hurt, by not allowing un-warranted & hateful criticism to roll off their shoulders. You will always have haters — learn to ignore those that are just trolling to make them feel miserable like they are.
23. Feed their Face, body & brain with good stuff and it will pay you back. Keep a well-balanced, nutritious diet. What you eat affects your body & brain on how productive it is.
24. Meditate and learn to control their body (ie, breathing). Breathing is the link between our conscious and sub-conscious mind.
25. Learn from the Mistakes of others, before they make the mistakes themselves. History does not need to repeat itself.
26. Give-Back. They care for people and want to give back to human kind for being blessed themselves. We are all related and all connected.
Comments: Are there any other habit you think are important for Happiness & Success?
from Elite Daily 12/16 significantly enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4.biz
For more Info, click on Link for Success, Successful, Balance, Core Values.