Contra (no) uni-versal principles that will make you more Successful in Business & Life
“If you truly want to change the world, you’ve got to earn a position of influence and use that influence to change your part of the world. Do it openly and as a role model and you will inspire others to change too.
Topics: Passion, Change, Practice, Start small, Believe, Ask for help, Road Map, Resources, Feedback, Networking, Communication, Failure
No matter what is going on in your life or business – chances are – someone else before you, had a similar situation. I’ve been a Journalist for 20 years, and during that time, I’ve interviewed & written about thousands of people in various stages of success, from CEOs of non-profits, multi-billion-dollar companies to entrepreneurs launching startups, to entrepreneurs shutting down their startups, to CEOs selling their startups for fantastic amounts of money. All of that has led me to conclude that there are certain universal ” principles” that lead to a successful life. They are:
“You don’t have to turn your favorite hobby or pastime into your full-time living, but you do need to have a passion for your work. If your work is meaningful to you, your work life will be a joy”.
“If you spend most of your time using your talents and doing things you are good at, you’re more likely to be happy”.
“If you think something needs changing, be the one to lead the change. The only way to stay fresh is to keep learning new things.
“Always try to get better at your profession, from the technical aspects of your job to your leadership skills.
“Practice is the only true way to master a new skill. Be patient with yourself while you learn something new.
“Start small and build from there. Do the obvious stuff first, then progress to the harder stuff. (Otherwise known as picking the low-hanging fruit.)
“If you truly believe in what you’re doing and have a strong vision for the outcome + the basic steps to get there, believe in yourself, then don’t quit, even if (especially if), the world is telling you you’re crazy.
“The hardest lesson to learn is when to keep going and when to quit. No one can teach you that. At some point, you have to decide whether it’s worth it.
“The definition of crazy is to do the same thing the same way and expect a different result. If the result isn’t good, change something, then try again.
“No one succeeds alone. Ask for help. Be specific when asking. Be graceful & grateful when help comes.
“Embrace diversity. The best way to compensate for your own weaknesses is to pick Team-mates who have different strengths.
“Treat your dream as an ultimate road map. You don’t have to achieve your dream right away, but the only way to get there is to take many steps toward it.
“You will never have all the Resources (time, money, people, etc.) that you want for your project or company. Make the best with what you have.
“A lack of resources isn’t an excuse. It’s a blessing in disguise. You’ll have to get more creative.
“Negative feedback (aka criticism) is necessary. Don’t automatically reject it (or accept it as the absolute truth). Examine it for nuggets of truth, then disregard the rest.
“Ditto for positive feedback (aka praise). Don’t automatically accept it (or reject it). Examine it for nuggets of truth, and then disregard the rest.
“If you think big, you will hear “no” more than you hear “yes.” They don’t get to decide. You do.
“As you achieve successful outcomes, you will be pressured to do more and do it faster. Be prepared to grab that golden ring if it’s offered and trust you will learn how to handle the added responsibilities. (Some people call this “leaning in.”)
“Grow your Network. Make an effort to meet new people and to keep in contact with those you know. When you need it, ask for their advice.
“If there is one secret to success, it’s this: communicate your plans with other people and keep communicating those plans in every way possible. The more others understand where you are going and why, the easier it will be to attract the ones who will help you and let go of those who hold you back.
“No matter what technology or service you are creating or inventing at your organization, it’s not about the product; it’s always about the people and the lives you will improve. Stay focused on that, and the project is much more likely to be successful.
“Don’t expect failure, but do plan for it. The best way to always win the big game is to have alternate plans for losing the small battles.
“Sometimes, you do have to throw caution to the wind & gamble everything on your vision. No one can tell you when to do this. If you feel strongly enough, just do it.
“Say “yes” as much as you can, but learn how to respectfully, but firmly, say “no.” In order to say “yes” often, attach boundaries or a scope of work around your “yes.”
“Surround yourself with positive people and you’ll have a positive outcome”.
“Working with difficult personalities will be a part of every job. Be respectful, do your job well, and cheerfully don’t let the difficult person derail your project.
Comments: Do you know any other Truths to become a Success in Life & Business?
For more Info, click on Link for Quotes, Successful.
from Business Insider 26 Dec 16 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz