Best new trends Products with High Tech at 2017 CES
To know the new Trends that are getting attention, so you can plan your new Product or Service accordingly.
Topics: 55-inch Transparent TV, Razor’s Laptop, Smart Light Bulbs, Magic Massage Chair, Toyota’s sensitive AI car, Digestive Tracker, BMW HaloActive Concept car.
from Mashable 07 Jan 17 selected by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz
There’s only one place to see the new trends in future technology before it arrives: Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in first week of January each year. For the past 50 years, the world’s tech companies converge in Las Vegas in to give everyone a glimpse of all the new tech devices and how tech is applied to older tech.
Hot & Cool Products.
CES is glorious tech hype if you’re into impossibly thin high-resolution TVs that are crazy expensive, levitating speakers (because why not?) and new PCs. Hot off the heels of a year that saw devices hit maturity, we expected to see more of the same old (smart assistants, self-driving cars, VR & AR headsets, drones, etc.), but newer, better & faster. And we did. With more tech products shown off than previous years, it’s practically impossible to navigate through the barrage of announcements without a proper guide. Life’s too short to waste on terrible technology. Here are some of . . .
Mashable’s Top Picks of CES 2017.
Note: Peter/CXO of Wiz4biz selected some of the more interesting offerings. For products, got to the Mashable website
LG 55-inch Transparent TV
If there’s a piece of tech at CES 2017 that looks more like the future than this 55-inch transparent TV from LG Display, we must have missed it. This see-through TV leverages the natural transmittance of OLED displays to create a ghostly screen. Its usefulness is probably more geared toward commercial applications like heads-up displays, though we wouldn’t mind having one of these in our house. LG doesn’t have plans to sell the crystal-clear set anytime soon, but we still can’t take our eyes off it.
Razer Project Valerie [RPV] . . .
RPV is big, heavy, has three screens, and we’re completely in love with it. Based off Razer’s (currently shipping) Blade Pro gaming laptop, Project Valerie crams three 17-inch 4K-resolution displays into a 12-pound body for the ultimate On-the-go Gaming & Productivity experience. It’s just a concept for now, but that’s not stopping us from wanting one badly.
Helia [Hell of a Smart] Light Bulb.
This new line of bulbs from Soraa are LED lights that aim to recreate the feel of natural sunlight. The Helia bulbs – which rely on sensors rather than Wi-Fi – emit bright blue light in the morning when you’re waking up, then slowly reduce the amount of blue light until the sun sets and all blue light is eliminated. It’s kind of light iOS’s Night Shift mode and the result is light that’s easier on your tired eyes (& brain) + less disruptive to your sleep.
BFF [Body Friend Forever. LoL]
Aventar [Adventure] Massage Chair.
The BodyFriend Aventar looks more like a luxury sports car than something that will give you an impressive massage. When you sit in the chair it scans your body and creates a special massage just for you by measuring your shoulder height & width, leg length, weight & height. Using its connected app, you can set preferences for individual users, and set specific massages for certain areas of your body, so if you just want – to get a pain out of that hurting area and don’t want the full message. You just select the area your need. Best of all, the chair’s got a 5.1 speaker system that connects wirelessly to your TV – so you can “Watch & Wiggle” – Wiz4biz.
Toyota’s Concept-i UX . . .
Car integrates everything from artificial intelligence to haptic (touch senses) feedback to create a new kind of relationship with the driver. This will be a car that not only protects you, but knows your needs and, perhaps, even your emotions. Not only does the interior look like a cross between a race car & something out of Star Trek, but it’s got a built-in Personal Digital Assistant [PDA] called Yui that lives in the 3D dashboard and can greet you with a cheerful “Hello” or communicate with the driver through light, sound & haptic touch.
[Bad] AIRE Digestive Tracker
– by FoodMarble – is a portable app-connected gadget that is able to analyze the amount of gas in your blood-stream the way a breath-alyzer would monitor your blood alcohol level. According to FoodMarble, certain foods that don’t gel with your system cause a buildup of gas in your gut. Using a series of breath tests & food tracking, the AIRE can help you find out which foods don’t agree with your body, so that you can live a more comfortable life.
BMW HaloActive Concept car makes you feel you’re driving in Heaven.
Some concept cars try to show you the future with wild designs. BMW’s Future Car interior concept shows it with touch or, to be more accurate, no touch. Its new HaloActive concept, part of the future interior, blends two bleeding edge technologies: Holograms & focused ultra-sonic waves to create a truly unique in-car experience. Buttons float in space and, when you reach out and press one of them, you feel the vibration on your finger tip, exactly where the virtual button appears to be. Is the technology practical for real cars? Who knows? Is it amazing? Absolutely.
Comments: Were you impressed with any other Products at the 2017 CES?
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