9 New Year’s Resolutions to increase your Business Wisdom . . .
to help you generate new Ideas & focus on Techniques that will assure Success.
Topics: new Approach, Simplify, Social Media, Risk, No, Education, Mentor, Supporters, Present.
If you’re like most Americans, you’re probably making up a list of New Year’s Resolutions: lose weight, exercise & listen more, be nicer to everyone, etc. While those resolutions may be long forgotten by February, Here’s a list of Resolutions you’ll want to keep – to add to your Business Wisdom & help you succeed in your small business in 2017
1.Take a “new & improved” approach to your whole business, Every year business owners say they aim to replace the old with the new. This is the year to do it! In 2017 [small businesses] should resolve to better their facilities, including buying new equipment, hiring new staff (as needed, PT/FT) and nurturing their business by using better Business Wisdom.
2. Simplify. You’re almost certainly doing too many things in your small business life. The New Year is a perfect time to pare things down. Do you have many different product or service lines, but only a few big sellers? Focus on those that bring in the most money. Still doing your accounts, (or anything else) on paper or an old-fashioned way? Find a faster, better online solution. Hire some help – at least PT. You can’t do everything yourself. That’s smart Business Wisdom.
3. Use more Social Media outreach. Traditional prospect is a fading approach that can yield fading results. Instead, forward-thinking small businesses use modern solutions that help Sales / Marketing. Analyze customer data to target the warmest leads. Then target prospects thru a combo of Social Media & traditional prospecting – as appropriate.
4. Take a calculated Risk. What? Your whole business is a risk. But if you’ve been running your small business for a while, you may have gotten in to a rut. It’s time to get out. Identify one area where a calculated risk has a good chance of succeeding without distracting you from your core business. The risk might be calling on a big potential customer you’ve been afraid of, expanding into new opportunities or expanding to another location or the world. Don’t rush to risk, but try to determine the probability of success and payback [ROI]. Nothing great can happen without risk. So embrace the positive power of risk and it will give you the courage to take on the impossible.
5. Just say No sometimes !!! Entrepreneurs are people who say “yes” – sometimes too often – they take on challenges, join in, help out. But if something won’t get you ahead, bring you joy, or build your community, why do it? Are some business activities now just habit and no longer profitable? Could you eliminate or out-source them – to free up time for more profitable — and enjoyable — activities?
6. Keep Learning to assure Success for yourself & your business. If we focus our energies on improving oneself, we will naturally achieve all our business & personal objectives. Continue to invest in yourself]. That is the key to achieving every goal. Envision your business’s future potential. “When first starting out, it is critical to realize that what your business does today [might not remain] the same thing if you are successful. Instead of focusing on your initial idea, focus on how you can build a product that serves a huge need and keep improving it until you get much greater acceptance. You will know it when you do.
7. Be the Mentor your team needs. It is important – as the person leading the company – to recommit to your role as a mentor + a person who empowers those who work for them. With the hectic pace [of business today], we sometimes lose sight of how important it is to support our employees so they become the best at what they do. If they succeed, the whole company succeeds.
8. Be Kind to your Supporters. In an optimistic world, there’s room for kindness because you don’t view the world as a zero-sum game, where for every winner, there’s a loser. Do something nice for others, especially the people who help make your small business a success. Thank your employees, referral sources, & suppliers more often. Take your spouse, family member, or friend out for a Thank you Lunch or Dinner to show you appreciate their support. Spend a special weekend with your kids as “honored guests” to recognize the sacrifices they make for your work. Remember what really matters.
9. Live in the Moment. Entrepreneurs are Visionaries — they can imagine things being better, in the future. But we often fail to concentrate on what life is bringing us right now. Sure, we’re on top of the “fire” that has to be put out with our biggest customer, but we often fail to appreciate the freedom that having our own business was supposed to bring us. We wanted more time to spend with our family or friends, to take time for exercise or travel, but we often become slaves to our business. When you run your own small business, be sure to enjoy the ride. That’s Business Wisdom !!!
Quotes on New Year’s Resolutions
“Making New Year Resolutions is easy. Remaining resolute and achieving them is quite another, but very satisfying.”
“Make outstanding New Year’s Resolutions. Dig deep within, and discover what you would really like to have happen in your life this year”
“Solve today’s challenges for your tomorrow’s freedom.”
“New Year’s Resolutions give us direction. They put a powerful force into play on a universal, conscious, & sub-conscious level. Goals give our life direction”
“Nothing is as good as coming into the New Year with enthusiasm, hope & a positive mind toward a good year.”
“New beginnings are in order, and you are bound to feel the excitement as new opportunities come your way.”
Comments: Are there any other New Year’s Resolutions you’d like to see added?
collected from Business News services 17 Jan 17 by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz
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