10 Reasons why you should be Starting a Business of your own.
“The critical ingredient is getting off your butt and doing something. It’s as simple as that. A lot of people have ideas, but there are few who decide to do something about them now !!! Not tomorrow. Not next week. But today. The true entrepreneur is a doer, not just a dreamer.” – Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari games & Chucky Cheese.
Topics: Benefit, Learning, Independent, Creative, Motivated, Passion, Daring, Action, Ambitions, no Doubts, succeeding.
Fears. Are you thinking of quitting your job and starting a business, but not sure if it’s the right decision? Are you scared of failing? going broke? living uncomfortably? of disappointing your loved ones? Are you scared that you might not be able to live up to your own expectations? Don’t be afraid that someone will steal it. Only you know the whole unique picture.
Just do it ??? Not everyone wants to be an entrepreneur. But if you feel it in your blood and feel a burning desire to start your own business, you must do it. Below are the reasons why starting your own Business might be the best decision you’ll ever make in your life.
Quick Tips. If you want to start your own Business – but still don’t know where to start – follow these steps;
- Passion: Start by thinking about your true passion — what you want to wake up to doing everyday.
- Confirming. Think about you idea and confirm it by talking family, friends & experts in this area. Do the research to verify there is a demand for that and who your target customer would be. Get to know them. Do they need or want it?
- Skill-Set. Consider what you have and what you lack. Are you a natural at business? Do you need to take a class or study how to start? Are you willing to work 60-80 hours/week? Can you handle challenges, resolve them and bounce back rapidly. Can you motivate others?
- Follow your Dream. Take a leap of faith in yourself and just do it.. Don’t waste any more time. Start now. If you succeed, you will be comfortable & happy. If you fail, well, at least you’ve had a great experience and you’ll probably be smarter.
The Benefits of Starting your own Business
- You will delete the “what-ifs” in your life. Most of us are passionate about something. And if we are talented enough to be good at what we’re passionate about, surely we’d want to turn that into a career. But competition might be fierce. The market might be tough. Finances might not look so bright. So, we stick ourselves to the 9-5 job, because it makes us feel safe and secure. But what if you’re bored in your job? What if you’re not excited about going to work anymore? What if you’re looking forward to doing something of your passion and having freedom with your own time? Starting your own business might sound scary at first, but it is a sure way to get rid of the “what-ifs” in your life – especially if you’re young and don’t have a family to feed yet. You have nothing to lose but time, but a whole lot to gain.
- You will “accelerate” your Learning like never before. One of the things you will learn when starting your own business is finding out what you need to learn or you die. Being an employee, you learn about your role and your industry. However, being a Founder, you have to learn everything about your Business — from Marketing to Accounting, Hiring & Operations to Finance. You will have to keep up-to-date with the new technology, tools, consumer trends, & industry news. You will learn like never before. Before you know it, you will become a lifelong learner who loves the challenge of learning about something new. You will take life as a progressive journey as you grow your business. There is no better way to accelerate your learning curve like starting your own Business. It forces you to or you wither & die.
- You will learn to be Independent & Creative in your Thinking + Trust your Instincts. Starting your own business requires you to think on your feet a lot. If you have a Partner, Advisor or Team you will be able to bounce your ideas off them, you will have to make the final decision – considering all facts & feedback. You will learn to make decisions more confidently and become more decisive as you grow. You will learn to trust your “instinct”, because no one else knows your business like you do. Once you get the confidence, it is a wonderful feeling to feel that every decision you make is solely dependent on you. You make your own decision and you are responsible for it.
- You will wake up every day Driven & Motivated to go to work. Surely this is one of the main reasons why people start their own Business. Nothing feels as exciting as following one’s passion & dreams. You might have a few sleepless nights, because reality keeps you up with challenges or the excitement of thinking about strategy, competitors, & new opportunities. Even during tuff times (ie, not making any sales or delivery), you’re still motivated to go to work, fix the bugs, pump up the sales, make it happen, because the business is yours. It’s you soul. You’re not working for somebody else, so do whatever it take to make it happen. The reward will be worth it.
- You know what it feels like to truly Follow one’s Passion. After starting your own business, you will understand how fulfilled it feels to actually follow your dreams. The rewards are in driving your own destiny and in the developing something new that you created and are proud of. You will learn what it’s like to sacrifice external success (secure job) vs the fulfillment of making your business succeed). A profitable business is what proves your capability in business. However, what truly drives you is not the money; it’s the passion & fulfillment you get from following your dreams.
- You will become more Daring & Fearless. Starting one’s business can be scary for any first-time entrepreneur without wealthy parents or others backing them up. You have to believe in yourself and make daring decisions. Becoming an entrepreneur you will get rid of your self-limiting belief like never before. You will learn that no opportunity is to be feared. You will learn that your comfort zone keeps expanding every time you get out of your comfort zone. You will learn to initiate contacts & approach people to help you. You will learn how to make it happen. Even if you have no idea about some aspects, you will learn about it in every way you can, without doubt or fear. Over & over, this soon becomes a habit. You will have built this boldness in you and will become used to getting out of your comfort zone
- You will become a Person of Action, and not just Words. A lot of people talk-the-talk, but don’t walk-the-walk. As an entrepreneur you cannot just talk. You have to show thru your actions that you’re going to make it happen. You have to keep your word and follow through. In fact, it will not happen unless you make actions. Being an entrepreneur teaches you that it don’t happen as you wish, ”Business happens as you do”. You’re your direct or delegated actions will bring your idea to life.
- You will realize that there are so many Talented & Ambitious people out there. Being an entrepreneur can be lonely at times when you’re just starting. But if you make friends with other entrepreneurs in your community or even around the world, you will realize that there are so many talented & ambitious people out there. You’re not alone. You’re not on your own. And these people are more than happy to share with you their experiences, advice, & recommendations. There is a whole world out there waiting for you to discover, to learn, & to grow. The more you get immersed into the entrepreneur’s world and interact with other entrepreneurs, the more opportunities you will spot and the more driven you will become.
- You will never Doubt yourself ever again. Starting your own business takes courage. To be able to take a leap of faith, you will have already gotten rid of your self-doubt. And on the process of working on your own business, you will become even more of a firm believer in “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right.” Henry Ford. Most important of all, you will never hesitate to invest in yourself thru learning, because it is the only thing that always grows and can never be taken away from you.
- If you Succeed once, you will want to do it all over again. Starting your own Business gives you a sense of control in your own life and fulfillment in doing something that you truly love. The rush, the excitement, the fear, the tears, the sweat, and the countless nights sleeping next to your laptop – they are experiences you would never have if you haven’t started your own Business. You couldn’t have it any other way. And you’re always looking out for the next opportunity to do it all over again.
Comments: Do you know any other good Reasons for a person for Starting a Business?
from Huff Post 02/17 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz & 5 Star Startup Services
For more Info, click on Starting a Business.