5 Social Media Mktg Trends for 2014
from Social Media Today.com 04 Nov 13 enhanced by Peter.CXO Wiz4biz
Acceptance: I would much rather take a look at what to expect in 2014 in terms of social media marketing. For one thing, I believe most “savy” companies now understand the impact Social Media can have on their business, yet many are still dealing with the challenges that come with its reality. Among some of the key concerns:
· Generating enough Content for consistent storytelling
· Demonstrating ROI of social media initiatives
· Allocating Resources, both financial & human
· Integrating social media Inter-actions in a holistic CRM approach
· Reorganizing corporate Structures to deal with social media & user-generated content
Growing Importance. These are but a few examples. A recent study conducted by Adobe showed that Social Media Marketing will be the most important marketing area of concern for the upcoming three years. So while social media now has reached a certain level of maturity beyond the phase of “the shiny new toy with bells & whistles”, where should marketers keep an eye for the upcoming year? Will Facebook still remain king of the social media hill or will there be (another) revolution that most Businesses aren’t seeing coming? Here are five social media marketing trends to look out for in 2014.
With its 1.2 billion users, of which close to 58% are active daily, with an average of 20 minutes per day, Facebook is certainly not disappearing anytime soon. Outside emerging markets where growth is still happening, Facebook has reached a plateau, with even some decreases within the younger generations – in particular teens 13-17. For brands, in particular small & medium businesses (SMB), it’s getting increasingly difficult to master the platform and gain a vibrant community without spending some efforts and allocating substantial efforts, both in time and money.
One thing is for sure, though: 2014 should be the year of Twitter. The fact that it will become a public company will throw the 7 year-old platform into the limelight, and with it comes public scrutiny. Many bystanders will want to better understand the platform, which should in turn convert many latent users to come back and give the platform another try. A found that more & more teenagers were jumping ship from Facebook to Twitter & Instagram, in great part “because there is less drama”. It’s also easier to fly under parents’ radars and have a more secretive approach on Twitter. Many companies already use Twitter, in particular in the travel & hospitality (ie, airlines, hotels, destinations, etc). Having more users join this social media should consolidate Twitter as a great customer service platform, not to mention lead generation and R&D.
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