10 most important Online SEO Marketing methods to get the most Traffic
“Successful Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is not about tricking Google. It’s about “partnering” with Google by used the below “methods” to provide the best search results for Google’s users.”
SEO Marketing Topics: Preferred Word Count, Mentions, Analytics, Image File name, Keyword research, Outrageous Offers.
Keep up with Search Engines (ie, Google), can be frustrating – especially if your usual tricks & strategies have stopped – since they have changed the criteria. Fortunately, there are some strategies that many business owners don’t know about – meaning you can get the competitive edge in CEO Marketing. Implementing these techniques could be just what’s needed to tip you over the edge and get your rankings back on track.
1. Use Google’s Preferred Word Count [1200-2000]
While Google hasn’t actually given us an ideal word count to aim for, several studies have shown a strong correlation between high rankings & longer content. According to research, the highest-ranking pages are at least 2,000 words long. Top-ranking content starts somewhere around 1,200 words. When in doubt, go longer; but remember that quality always over-rules quantity.
2. Optimize your Menu items (???) for SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Most startups, small business owners & marketers know that internal Links are important for SEO. However, some forget that your menu items are actually just glorified Links. Having a clear & simple navigational structure will help with “usability” as well as spreading Link equity throughout your site. Optimizing your navigational structure can have a huge impact on rankings. “I have been able to drive significant results for clients purely on the back of optimizing internal navigation structures.”
3. Look for Mentions, then ask for Link.
Not every one who mentions your site or product is going to include a Link back to your site. The good news is that most SEOs agree these mentions (known as non-Linked citations or implied Links) do help boost your SEO to an extent. But since we know that actual Links are the ideal, here’s what you can do: Set up a Google Alert for brand name, product names, etc. As soon as you see a mention, send a brief email and ask for a Link to your site. You’ll be surprised at how many Bloggers & Journalists are happy to oblige! I’ve been able to secure Links to “My Payments” Blog from CNN, ABC & CNBC by just asking.
4. Google knows youu, by the Neighborhoods you Link to.
Internal Links are important, as are inbound Links to your site. However, what many business owners forget is that “who” you Link out to is most important. Linking to authoritative sources is not only great for establishing credibility for your content, it suggests to Google that you know what you’re talking about – and this is great for SEO. Just be sure you’re Linking out to useful, preferably high-ranking sites. Use the free Moz Checker tool to make sure you’re Linking to sites that will help your rankings, not hurt them.
5. Your Analytics are already telling you how to improve your SEO – use it !!!
Many business owners don’t realize how important user experience is to search rankings. Google wants the Search Engine Results pages (SERPs) full of great content that users love. This is where user signals come in. Your website Analytics (ie, Yost SEO), can tell exactly how your content is performing in terms of user signals, and give you ideas for how to improve. According to SearchMetrics’ most recent ranking report, the importance of User Signals can’t be over-stated. User signals such as: 1) Click-thru-Rate (of search results, CTR), 2) Time on site, as well as the 3) Bounce rate (visitors who enter a site then leave, usually by clicking back to the search results) are amongst the most important ranking factors for search engines. This is because the direct analysis of user reactions to the search results allows an accurate insight as to whether the user was happy with the result.”
6. Use Descriptive words in your Image File name.
You probably already know you should use your chosen keywords in your alt Image tags (where appropriate). What you may not know is that you should also be using them in your Image file names. Google has gotten pretty sophisticated, but they still can’t discern the subject of your image without a little help. Google has made the importance of Descriptive file names clear, in their image publishing guidelines: Try to make your filename a good “description” of the Subject-matter of the image. Descriptive filenames can also be useful to users: If we’re unable to find suitable text in the page on which we found the image, we’ll use the filename as the image’s Snippet in our search results.
7. Go beyond basic Keyword research.
Basic Keyword research might look something like this: go to Google’s Keyword Planner and find 2-3 keywords you can incorporate into a particular piece of content. A good marketing approach is to use your research to find a broad theme to cover, as well as relevant Sub-topics. Also be sure to use a variety of proof & relevant terms, which show Google you’re doing a great job of covering the topic.
8. BiG Words can actually hurt you
Some business owners think that by using big words & complicated sentences, they’ll impress their audience. However, research has shown that the highest-ranking pages actually have a slightly lower reading complexity than other pages. To see how your content ranks, you can use free tools like the Text Readability Consensus Calculator. I’ve found that the highest-ranking pages have a reading level of around 76. This is a great benchmark to keep in mind.
9. Promote a “ridiculously” Outrageous Offer.
How much are Links customers to you? Are they worth the cost of giving away some product at 90% off? Or of holding a crazy “3 for the price of 1” promotion? Promoting a ridiculously good offer is sure to generate some “hype” surrounding your business – and as we know – hype is often great for getting traffic & Links. Just be sure you can actually afford to give away your stuff at cost or even at a loss, and that those Links are worth it to you!
10. Offer Researchers a Platform for finding participants.
This is a technique seldom used, but it can be highly effective when done right. University researchers are always looking for participants for their studies, but often struggle with reaching their target audience. Offer to promote their study to your audience, and often they’ll be glad to give you a much-coveted “.edu” Link back to your site! To find studies being conducted in your niche, try simple Google searches like [your keyword] research study or even just [keyword] study, or visit the announcements or news sections of University Departmental websites.
Comment: Do you know of any other factors for improving your SEO – to attract more Customers?
from Mashable.com 28 Sept 16 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz
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