10+ quick & easy Content Ideas to “spice” up your Social Media presence
“Social media is changing the way we communicate and the way we are perceived, both positively & negatively. Every time you post content, you are contributing to your brand’s reputation, so post the best content.”
Social Media Topics: Schedule, Announcements, Day-o-Week, Partner-up. How To, Contests, Video, Pix, re-Purpose.
Social media is one of the more mysterious marketing spaces for small business owners. Why? Two things.
- So many Channels, so little time !!! Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and so many more serve a variety of purposes in the small business marketing toolbox. Which should you choose to use? The options are virtually endless.
- Time Consuming. Once you find the right social channels for you and develop a Social Media Strategy for your small business, finding the time to create content, post it, and stay engaged, isn’t easy for someone whose primary priority is running a business.
- Engaging with your Social Media shouldn’t be a chore. It simply requires a bit of creativity & finesse.
10 ways you can “engage” your Social Media – without spending hours battling Writer’s Block.
1. Schedule your Social Media posts.
- Automatically, if you really want to save time, consider scheduling your posts out in advance. There are tools that will do this for you across multiple platforms, saving you hours upon hours and headaches upon heartaches. Some small business social media automation favorites are Hootsuite, MixBloom & Thryv.
- Timely: On a regular basis, once or twice a monthly, but now more frequently, because you don’t want it to be like spam. But you have a . . .
- Significant Announcement, feel to post it asap.
2. Announce Exciting News (Product releases, special deals & Promotions).
Share the benefits your product or service offers – how you are Better, Faster, or Cheaper than your Competition. Then try to make an “Offer that cant refuse” so you get a new Customer. Finally, provide them with reasons to stay with you.
3. Use the “Day-of-the-Week guide.
Whether it’s Motivation Monday, Together Tuesday, Watchful Wednesday, re-Think Thursday, Feedback Friday, Short Saturday, Sunday Funday (more details in the Biz Planning post) There are endless options for day-of-the-week themed posts. Feel free to lean on one of these popular themes when creating your posts.
4. Make some Partners, and share their content.
Social media consumers care less about where content came from and more about what value it brings to them. See another business or even a customer post something you love? Don’t be afraid to share it! If you do this for adjacent businesses in your market that do similar, but not the same, work as you do, you can earn some serious goodwill in the form of returned shares down the line.
5. Solicit Ratings, Reviews & Comments.
Chances are, those who follow your business on Social Media are already customers, if not fully loyal fans. Ask them to take your relationship to the next level by submitting comments, ratings or review of your business on popular online listings sites. Ask them not to forget the link back your Websiter or Blog.
6. Ask for other Input.
Instead of only pushing your own content, pull some content from your most loyal fans. Ask a question you think will get them excited, and engage with those who respond by commenting back.
7. Share helpful How-To tips.
Think about some of the most common questions you get from customers, either before or after your work is done. Then use that as “free” How-To” advice for potential customers. It will add to your credibility
8. Create Contests or other challenges.
The fitness industry loves this one, because it just works. Ever been tempted to complete a Fitness challenge just because others were doing it? Create a contest or challenge that’s relevant to your business, and watch as consumers get in on the action. If you want this to have a real shot at engaging your Target Audience, make it creative and offer an incentive for those who participate. Free products, introductory service or free consultation could do the trick to get a life-time customer.
9. Find your Voice with Video.
Many a marketer remembers a time when if you wanted to explore Video posts, they required at least one to two minutes of high-production, perfectly lit, professionally engineered Video content to be taken seriously. Thankfully, those times are long gone. Developments like Snapchat & Facebook Live prove consumers are happily devouring transparent, real-time, easy-access Video content from their favorite brands, regardless of the production value. Ten to fifteen seconds will do the trick.
10. Snap quick Photos of your Team & Customers in action.
Like video content, pictures really are worth a thousand words. Snap some behind-the-scenes, incognito shots of your business at work, customers using your product or service and show the social sphere what you’re all about! This can also help with recruitment, if you’re able to showcase a fun work environment.
11. Learn to re-Purpose “ever-green” content.
In the content marketing world, we have something we call “Evergreen content.” That’s the stuff that’s been popular for ages, that we can use and reuse over and over again. (ie, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” or “Whether you think your can or cant, you’re right”, Henry Ford) Instead of sharing this Evergreen content the same way each time, change a little to fit the season or a specific topic of interest.
Comment: Any other ideas for Qwik & EZ Content for your Social Media?
from *SCORE.org 25 Oct 17 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4.biz
*SCORE is Service Corps of Retired Executives. SCORE offers Workshops, Seminars, Mentoring, Library, etc + “free” Counseling)
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