7 Red Flags that say “Quit your Job”
RED FLAGS: 1) Dread going into Work, 2) Passion Gone, 3) Quality down, 4) Dislike your Boss, 5) no Feedback or Recognition, 6) You’re not Learning anything, 7) Company is Going Under, Summary.
Waking up sweating and nervous from incessant nightmares about work is probably a good sign that it’s time to quit and look for a different job. Thrivas – a leader among Staffing Agencies – serves up 7 Red Flags that may indicate it’s time to move on.
1. You Dread going into Work
If you find yourself driving around the block 7 times instead of heading straight for the company parking lot, it may be time to redo that Resume and look for a new Job.
2. Your Passion has taken a Hike
Remember that feeling of excitement you had when you first started the job? If you haven’t felt that way for an extended period of time, it may be another sign it’s time to move on. If you’re not doing what you love, you’ll never achieve your full potential. You may instead end up stuck in a rut, driving around the block 7 times before heading into work.
3. Your Quality of work has gone.
Low productivity and crummy output are surefire signs you’re not into what you’re doing and it may be time to move on.
4. You honestly Dislike your Boss and/or CoWorkers
Likable people can make even a nasty job enjoyable. But nasty people can make even the coolest job intolerable. If you don’t mesh with this mess (personalities), it may be time to find a new set of colleagues.
5. You get no Feedback or Recognition
Despite long hours, great ideas and the willingness to do whatever it takes to advance the company, you’re still not feeling it from your boss. Lack of feedback & recognition indicate you’re about as high up on the company scale as you’re going to go, with no room for advancement or growth.
6. You’re not Learning anything
Not being invited to any new projects, seminars, courses or other work-sponsored activities can be another sign you’re about as high as you’re going to go at your current gig. Once the challenge is gone, the thrill can soon follow !!!
7. The Company is Going Under
Constant restructuring, a steady stream of management changes and employee layoffs can be a giant red flag that the company is not long for this world. There’s no reason whatsoever to stay on a sinking ship.
The more red flags you notice on a regular basis, the more ready you’re likely to be to moving on. Sticking around in misery isn’t going to do any good for anyone – especially yourself.
Comments: Do you have any other reasons for Quitting?
from Thrivas, Staffing Agency 12/24 edited by Peter/CXO Wiz4.biz
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