7 Steps to Escape your Job #1
From Corporate America. Many professionals feel pressure to ‘play it safe’ by continuing to fight the battle by keeping their Corp America “day job”. They are lured into a false sense of security that there will always be a regular paycheck and they will have access to the good ole’ benefits package. The paycheck is often exchanged for long hours, office/ employee politics, & tiresome travel – depending on the responsibilities of the job. The pressure they feel is as much self-induced as it comes from outside sources & family members. There are not too many professionals sitting around watching their grandchildren play that would say: ‘I really wish I would have worked more overtime!
There is another way !!! Many professionals haven’t taken the time to clarify their passion and turn that passion into a viable business. Here are seven steps that will help you think through whether becoming an entrepreneur could be a realistic path for you.
1. What you really want to do.
We spend so much time focusing on what we don’t want that we forget the most meaningful & productive exercise is answering the question – “What do you really want to do? Take some time to clearly visualize what you want to be doing. What specifically would you be doing and in what surroundings? What do really like to do? How could you use these Talents & Skills? As you start visualizing what you really want to do, you will start to uncover what you are really passionate about doing. (see next step)
2. Discover your Passion,
If you haven’t already. What do you really like to do? Does it give you great satisfaction? Are you good at it? Those who love what they do are much more likely to be successful. You may have heard: “Do what you love and the money will follow”. If you love something, find out all about it – take classes, read, work for a company that does it – and you’ll become an expert. Then people will come to you for advise and other things you offer – an outstanding product or service.
from Linked IN, Independent Consultants 6/12 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz
(Step 3 – “Facing your Fears”, 4 – Being Realistic, 5 – Knowledge, 6 – Getting Support & 7 – Doing it now – Continued in Premium Contents)