8 Steps + 10 Tips to Attract New Customers to your Business
“To keep your Cash Flow, Go .Go, Go, you need a steady flow of new Customers coming in all the time. Follow these eight (8) steps to attract more new Customers to your business for more profit”.
There’s a logical sequence to building a business, whether it’s online or offline. There are certain things that must be done in order to see your business grow. By committing to follow these eight (8) steps, you can attract more Customers and have the kind of income you want and deserve !!!
STEPS: Target, Want? Package, Irresistible Offer, Target Market, Follow-up, Close & Additional Offers.
Step 1: Get clear on Who you’re Targeting
Before you begin any Marketing, you must find your Target Audience [Market]. Do your Research and discover who your products or services can help the most. Without a clear understanding of exactly who you’re targeting, your Marketing won’t be very effective. Specializing your approach will definitely help your Conversion rate. It may make you nervous to think of narrowing your options, but it’s the first step in attracting more long-term Customers. Here’s one more benefit to narrowing down your focus: each time you specialize a little more, you’re able to charge more for your services. You don’t mind more Profit, do you?
Step 2: Understand what they really Want – Emotionally & Logically
Once you’ve identified your best Target Market, it’s time to learn what they really, really want. What do they dream of accomplishing? What keeps them awake at night? There’s no point in marketing your products if you aren’t sure what your Target Market wants. Here’s a key concept: “People buy what they want, not what you think they need”. Get to know your market and you’ll find making sales much easier & more profitable.
Step 3: Package what you’re offering toward the desired End Results
Because you understand your market so well, you know the desired End Result they’d like to achieve. The closer you get to that desired End Result, the better you’ll do in business. Package your products toward that result, so that you’re always meeting the needs of your Customers. When you’re really tuned into the needs of your Target Market, you’ll experience the rush of business running smoothly & growing. You’ll stop having to push & shove to make sales and see how it all flows together—“the needs of a group of people, plus products packaged to meet those needs”. What’s the takeaway? People don’t buy because they totally understand something, they buy because they feel understood. Use empathy !!!
Step 4: Create an Irresistible Offer
What, exactly, are you delivering with your products, and what must the Customer give in return? To be effective in Marketing, you need to be able to answer that question in one sentence. Here’s an example: “Give me ten minutes per day and I’ll give you what you’ve always wanted, but didn’t think you could get.” You want to state your offer in a compelling way that has people thinking “I want that!” That’ll be great for me”. Work on developing your one-sentence offer; it will form the basis of all your other marketing.
Step 5: Now go find your Target Market !!!
Where do the people most likely to buy your products dot? Do they congregate on online discussion forums? What publications do they read? Which organizations do they join? If you’ve done good Market Research in the previous steps, you’ll already know the answers. Now, go out there and make your “Irresistible Offer” to them in ads, talks, comments on forums and whatever way you can that makes them affordably reachable.
Step 6: do Great Follow-up !!!
You’ve done your research, created great products, packaged them to meet the needs of your target audience, & made your offer where they’re at. To maximize all the hard work you’ve already done, you must follow-up consistently. What’s the best way to make sure that happens? By automating & systematizing as much of your follow-up as possible. Here’s the rule: “Always follow up, and find more ways to make it automatic” !!!
Step 7: Close the Sale
This one is an intimidating challenge, and that’s a shame, because it’s essential if you want to succeed. Learn how to “ask” for their business. For some companies, that might mean a face-to-face meeting, and for many others, the entire sales process can be online & automated. Unless money changes hands, you’re not really in business. Whichever way you chose to close, you must give your Prospects enough information that they can buy with confidence. Automate that information-sharing as much as you can, with Web pages, Sales letters, Brochures or whatever else it might take, so that you can expand your impact in less time. Efficiency !!!
Step 8: Make Additional Offers
The bulk of your profits are going to be made from additional sales to Satisfied Customers. You’ve already built a relationship with them and they know you can be trusted. Create or get more of a variety products you can offer them – as you continue to listen to and meet their needs. These long-term Customer give your business stability, and you’re not out chasing new Customers constantly. [It’s 10x easier to keep old Customers than to get new ones] Learning to make additional offers to them, could make the difference in whether your business grows or goes.
Conclusion: Following the Eight (8) Steps puts you on the path to attracting new Customer, keeping old ones and therefore, earning more profit. Keep working through them until you’ve perfected you’re approach, products & offer/s. Automate as many of your processes as you can, and don’t forget to offer additional products to satisfied customers. By doing so, you’ll be on the road to the Income you want.
10 creative Tips To Attract new Customers
Finding new customers is a fundamental challenge for every business. If you’re looking to attract new business or service new Customers here are 10 creative tips to help turn prospects into paying customers.
TiPS: Give, Network, Buzz, Pay it Forward, Personal Interest, Expertise, Have a Contest or an Event, Be a good Example & Marketing Strategies.
1. Give Something Away.
Every time we “give away” something, we get lots of additional prospects, which directly leads to new business. In our experience, the larger the prize, the more new Customers we get in return. Not only do we have a lot of fun giving away something, but we get new Customers in the door — it’s a win-win.
2. Network to meet new People.
All of my best, & repeat Customers are people I met personally before they did business with me or they’re a Referral from an existing client. Typically, people suggest that you attend Chamber of Commerce & Meetup events, but I’ve had great luck meeting people at non-business related events that focus on personal interests. Follow your Hobby.
3. Create a Buzz.
Create buzz about your product or service and it will eventually go “Viral”. Start with outstanding customer service. If you treat customers with the utmost respect & patience, people will learn through word-of-mouth that your company is a reputable brand to do business with. Many businesses lack proper customer service and eventually, it cripples them.
4. Pay it Forward.
As a new business owner with a small marketing budget who does a significant amount of cold calling, I believe in building relationships by “paying it forward” on a personal level as well as business level. I get my share of hang ups on cold calls, but I’m astounded by the number of buyers with whom, after a several minute phone call with a complete strange, I develop a connection and find an opportunity to help them. It can be as simple as offering free Samples for our affiliate program, sharing a Media contact, suggesting a Web designer or even sharing a favorite Recipe. Quite often, I’ve concluded such calls with a new business lead, a sale, and a few months down the road … possibly a new friend.
5. Take an Personal Interest in them.
Entrepreneurs have forgotten the strategies that have stood the test of time. Networking is still the best source of Customers for my company. I‘m referring to networking in the sense of looking to help others grow their business and take a personal interest in their lives. “What goes around comes around”, right?
6. Show your Expertise.
I’ve found new customers through two TED talks, recording 5 Podcasts & writing Blog articles. Suddenly, people viewed me as an “expert” in my field and started coming to me. Secondly, give away your best stuff for free. People then think “Imagine what I’d get when I pay for it”. Finally, maintain good relations with everyone you meet — you never know who your next client could be.
7. Hold a Contest.
I created a contest on my Blog offering up a chance to win one of my services and have people comment to enter. Then I offer extra chances to win by having them share the contest with their friends via Twitter & Facebook. After awarding the prize, I contact those that were interested in the contest and offer them an exclusive Discount on my services. I make sure to follow-up and keep them updated about future events or services. It’s a great way to generate a list of people in my target market who are interested in my product.
8. Organize an Event.
Organize a socially-responsible Event such as a marathon or race for a trending cause. That way participants and sponsors all get to be introduced your business or service.
9. Attract by Example.
Treat customer acquisition like dating. What do the dating experts tell you? If you are out doing things you love, you are going to attract people naturally. Take dance lessons, visit a museum, travel and talk to people about what you love. Your work will come up and when it does, the people will either want to work with you, or know someone perfect you should contact. Because they think you’re great, they are more likely to make the introduction.
10. Use different Marketing Strategies.
Create a Marketing Strategy that includes Email marketing, Social Media & word-of-mouth. Develop a 12-month plan that has tactical milestones for each quarter & month — and stick to it. Give yourself permission to adjust the strategy as you discover which medium works best.
Comments: Do you know any other Steps or Tips to “attract” new Customers?
fm Business Know How & YSF Zine 11/20 enhanced by Peter CXO Wiz4.biz
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