a VISION to Inspire & Fire !!!
your “motivation” to keep you Focused and on Course !!!
by Christine Comaford, CEO of Mighty Ventures, Inc. 9/10 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz
Your Vision is a idea of your future—an image that inspires you, that you feel deeply passionate about and that you are willing to work toward and you persuade your Team to join you on. It articulates your dreams & your Core Values. Your vision motivates you to take actions that may enlarge your comfort zone, and that are necessary to realize your dream.
When you have a clear, compelling Vision of your business, it guides every choice you make. You are aware that every action you take–whether small or large–is either a step closer to or a step further away from the business of your dreams, and essentially, from the life of your dreams.
First, let’s start with Envisioning your future results, which is what you want your business to look like in a few years. (ie, 3-5) Do you want to create a lifestyle business, perhaps a business that generates a terrific revenue stream and you run for many years to come? Or do you want to build up your business and one day exit it, via a merger, acquisition or initial public offering? It’s your choice.
What are your Goals? The reason I want you to consider this is because where you want your business to go, determines how you set it up, how you run it, and who you bring into it. Let’s do a quick Vision exercise.
A Vision…
* Engages your heart & your spirit
* Expresses your deepest desires for yourself and the ones you love
* Provides meaning to your work
* Is the release of unexpressed desires
* Is ever-evolving & ever-growing
* You review it frequently to determine if you’re on the path or you want to change the Vision
* Often expresses your longing for a greater quality of life, financial indepen-dence, an improvement in the quality of your relationships, surroundings & experiences.
Your Personal Vision should be totally your own, and is unaffected by others’ desires, expectations or beliefs in you. Be bold in creating your vision, and reach not just for what you want, but also for what you want for your loved ones. Make your Vision so powerful that, each time you revisit it, you are moved, inspired & reconnected with your reason for working on your business, and the legacy you want to leave.
To get great Tools on how to create a strong foundation for your business’ future, feel free to join my Facebook Group, Business Renegades: http://tinyurl.com/6xos94
Christine Comaford, NY Times Best Selling Author of “Rules for Renegades” http://tinyurl.com/6xos94
Comments: Have you written out your Vision? What else do we need to create a Vision?