Amazon’s Strategy by CEO Bezos
from USA Today 25 Sept 13 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz
Top Tech Hero? CEO Jeff Bezos is considered by many the smartest guy in tech, a fixture in the Tech industry’s Mount Rushmore along with Steve Jobs, Bill Gates & Google CEO Larry Page. He’s also about to become the newly minted owner of “The Washington Post” newspaper. Yet despite his high profile, he’s been conspicuously quiet. Until now.
Jeff’s Vision for Amazon. On Monday 25 Sept 13, Bezos sat down with USA TODAY to discuss new Amazon products, the newspaper biz and his stature in high-tech circles. But mostly he laughed, in his infectious manner, while touching on a number of subjects in a rare 40-minute interview here.
1. The Washington Post. “TWP really is very separate from Amazon. If the two companies can help each other, of course they would, but they would do that the way any two companies would, if they could find some mutual benefit.” Bezos added that it is “correct” to assume that to Amazon, TWP is no different than The New York Times or USA TODAY. As for the Post, he volunteered that he is open to suggestions on what the paper can & should do better. He volunteered, “You’ll find I’m a very open recipient to such ideas.”
2. New Kindle Tablets: “We don’t need people to be on the upgrade treadmill. If I see people using a 5-year-old Kindle, I’m delighted,” Bezos says. Of course, I’d be equally delighted to sell you new hardware. Today Amazon unfurls a potentially disruptive tech-support feature — Mayday — that’s aimed at rescuing people from their frustrations. The “free” service arrives with the company’s newest tablets, the 7-inch Kindle Fire HDX, and the 8.9-inch version that you can now pre-order online. “Our goal is to revolutionize tech support,” Bezos said, in this interview with USA TODAY at Amazon headquarters in Seattle.
Free Tech Support? Really? Free? Really. In fact, Mayday tech support is the kind of knock-your-socks off feature that is not only sure to get attention, but that will play into Bezos’ grand plan to cement Kindle’s place in an excruciatingly competitive tablet market. And, oh yeah, it might just get you to seriously consider Amazon’s other latest hardware, too.
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