Be-Friending a Blogger
or literally “Sucking-Up” to a Blogger (& other people of Influence)
– that you can use your Con-fluence on, to add their wisdom & contacts to your own Blog, Network, etc. [It may seem like it, but it’s not really a Con – just part of smart Networking.] Compiled by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz 7/13
Blogging continues to get more power while the traditional Press [Newspapers & Magazines] are losing their clout to Blogs & other options. Learn how to build more Buzz for your Blog below: Whew !!! Did I belabor the “B’s” ???
1. Be-Friending many as you can. Forget the most influential ones. They are all overworked already and don’t have time for another connection.
2. Have something New to talk about – a new Product or Service, a new or improved feature – that’s worthy of mention. Does it have new & innovative technology that offers many benefits or is it a combo of existing technology that offers convenience?
3. Cite & Link. “Linking is the sincerest form of flattery.” It’s hard to “trash” an organization, product, service or person who links to your Blog. They’ll look bad.
4. Stroke them, cause “Flattery can get you everywhere.” Read their Blog. Make comments like: “Why don’t you write a book? I’ve forwarded your Post to many of my Friends. I’ve referenced your Blog in some of my Articles.”
5. Give little Gifts, such as Samples of your Product, free Service, T-Shirts, etc. Bloggers are usually poor and most any Gift will make an impression on them – so that they will remember you, when you need them.
6. Be Responsive. Return calls & Emails asap. They may be desperate for material, so they’ve turned to you to bail them out. It’s a golden opportunity, because you planted the seed with your contacting them earlier and now it’s time to harvest.
7. Use the Laser, not the Shotgun approach and you’ll be more effective. Carefully pick the Bloggers that share some of your interests or are closest to your products or services.
8. Be a Resource for them. If your product or service doesn’t have something “news-worthy” at the moment, refer the Blogger to other sources. Good Bloggers wont forget you and will give you more opportunities.
9. Give them Feedback after the big Buzz. After you’ve had a big Buzz from a Blog post, don’t quit. Thank those that helped you, to let them know you “appreciate” their efforts and keep fresh, the line of communication. They’ll feel good that they helped you.
10. Pitch Reporters thru their Blogs, because it’s a different approach – than an obvious, direct approach. First, find out if the Reporter of interest has a Blog. Use all of the techniques (already mentioned above), to get that big Interview that’ll send you over the top !!! Then don’t stop !!!
Comments: Is there anything else we can do to or for Bloggers to get their attention? Please mention !!!