Being a Purple Cow #3
Transform your Business by being Remarkable !!!
a Book Review by Seth Godin, No-Tears Marketing 04/10 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz 8/13
How does a Brand manage to grab Attention in a society were:
· Numerous product/brand choices are available (and increasing daily)
· Consumers have less time than ever before to search & study advertised products
· Competitors are hungry to grab any share of the industry market that they can lay their hands on.
This concludes his reasoning for the need for a Purple Cow: An extra-ordinary product that will rise up above the clutter of “traditional” & “safe” marketing communications of other generic products. Seth Godin succeeds in accurately describing the current troubles that product advertising is experiencing in terms of “Scary budgets” & “Boring products” that naturally results from the efforts to advertise and appeal to the masses. He states that the . . .
Old Rule was: “Create safe, ordinary products & combine them with great marketing”
Today the new “Purple Cow” rule is:
“Create remarkable products that the right people seek out”
This indicates the increasing need for Niche Marketing in order to appeal to the small percentage of “Early Adopters” in the market that will eagerly buy & evaluate a “Purple Cow” from which they will benefit. If their expectations are exceeded, they will act as the “free advertising” (so-called sneezers) team for the brand – spreading very (+) word-of-mouth to the greater segment of the rest of the market (“Early & Late Majority”) – hereby not only effectively advertising to consumers that will probably become loyal users, but also sparing the millions of dollars that would have been invested in traditional mass-marketing strategies.
By making use of very effective, relevant and exceptionally thought provoking Case Studies, Seth not only manages to illustrate & prove his theory of the Purple Cow success, but also manages to encourage the reader to pro-actively think about ways that he/she can improve/revolutionize their own business’s. This book is an excellent evaluation of current marketing dilemmas and Seth uses common knowledge (often overlooked by most businesses for the fear of failure), to introduce effective strategies for creating successful brands.
[ Less Risk & more Wins, Purple Cow theory, Awareness, How to create a Purple Cow in next Premium Content ]