Business Humor & Wisdom #7-13
Happily compiled by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz 7/13
“Multi-tasking allows you to screw up several things at once”. Wouldn’t it be better to focus on one and do it well !!!
“My Client (sponsor/customer) doesn’t know what he wants, so I’m going to dazzle him with my creativity and he’ll find me irresistible !!! Steve Jobs
“Never get so busy making a living, that you forget to make a life”.
”Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died”.
“Never put all your eggs in one pocket”. After you bring out your Product/ Service, what variations can you add that will reach new Customers?
“One machine can do the work of many ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extra-ordinary man”. Your creativity makes the difference. You are ir-replacable. The public will eventually appreciate your end results.
“Only those who attempt the absurd, can achieve the impossible”. So let your creativity run wild. Maybe someone will eventually appreciate what you are doing.
“To look where everyone else has looked, but to see what no one else has seen, takes a highly creative mind”. Are you exercising yours, to make it better?
“Treat people as if they are, what they could be, and you help them to become, what they are capable of being”. Encourage them at every opportunity. Challenge them to go beyond. Recognize them when they achieve their goal.
“Sometimes we get all the information, but we dont get the message”. So look for the meaning of the info. If you don’t get it, ask.
“When you are in it up to your ears, keep your mouth shut”.
“When taking a tuff course, get the Cliff Notes & eat a Clif Bar for Energy… And if that doesn’t work, jump off a Cliff.”
“You have the capacity to learn from your mistakes”. What have you learned today? this week? this month?
“Blessed is the end user who expects nothing, for he/she will not be disappointed”. Nor will they buy from you. Find out what they want and give it to them.
Comments: Do you have any to add ??? I just might appreciate them.