Boot-Strap’g yur Biz #2
A review of Greg Garnforte’s book 5/10 and enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz
Chapt 2. SALES is #1 Priority
Do a little Research, to find out who your Target Market is. Then do . . .
Pre-Selling. Go out & talk to as many prospects as possible to see if they “want” your Product, it solves 1 or more, of their problems & they are willing to pay for it. You don’t need a product; just a “concept”. When you talk to them, it would help you to refine your idea. You even can give it away to get some feedback from users, so you can fine-tune your product. You’ll have added “value” to your product. Once you get to know your Customers, select a Core Customer, so you can use them as a reference.
Obstacles to Overcome:
1) the Fear & Effort of Change
2) they’re enthusiastic about your Product, but don’t want to pay.
The Factors of Focus
1) Talking to Prospects, you find out if your product is “viable”.
2) You are focusing on the “right” Prospect
3) You learn how to “tailor” your Product to their needs & eliminate what they don’t want.
4) You get some Cash Flow going
Chapter 3. SELLING
You have to “sell” your idea to some one to get paid. You’re providing a Solution to their Problem. If your solution can Revenue & ¯ Time, you’ll get their attention. Explain how you’ll be a good ROI [Return on Investment.
Steps to making the Sale.
1) Find your Target Market.
2) Find out your Cust’s needs.
Ask lots of questions (It shows interest) & listen to their needs. Then tell them how your product meets their needs or you can “tailor” it to.
3) Find that Narrow Niche’s Need
that no one or hardly anyone has found
4) Explain/Show how you’re different
a) tailor your product to them
b) sell your Value
c) offer responsive, un-limited support
5) Start Small, build Confidence,then you’ll get bigger sales for more
6) Ask Tuff Questions
Are you willing to pay? Have it in your Budget? Would you do a PO? Sign a Contract
7) Ask for the Order.
If you’ve made your case, they’re gonna say Yes. If they have objections, answer them to get to Yes.
8) Get that Commitment,
with a big Down Payment, so they are locked in and would significantly lose, if they tried to back out.
9) Shut-up & Leave,
once they’ve signed the Contract, exchanged some pleasantries, then leave. Don’t keep trying to sell them on the benefits. You already have. They’ve made their Decision. Don’t waste their time.
[ Alternate Solutions, Lean to Learn, Cash Flow Mgt, Start small, Marketing & more in next Premium Content ]