Building Credibility as a Leader
from Houston Chronical 04/16 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz
Credibility as a leader allows your subordinates to look at you as a reliable resource for information & decision making. A leader with credibility has gained the respect of his/her peers & staff members by displaying strong, positive attributes. Credibility can translate into improved staff performance under your guidance and effective relationships with your Customers.
1. Focused. A good leader is focused on the Goals he is charged with or sets with his/her Team. He guides his/her Team towards achieving those goals. Leaders can lose credibility when they get off track and do not take the actions necessary to help individual employees and the entire group reach focused objectives. Monitor the progress on Goals and discuss them often with your Team, so everyone knows clearly what the Goals are & why you’re doing them.
2. Open & Honest. Part of establishing credibility is creating a sense of “trust” between you and your Team. Developing a reputation for giving honest and truthful information – that can be verified if necessary – goes a long way towards gaining respect & establishing credibility.
3. Competence. A leader needs to have more than a basic understanding of his/her field to develop credibility with his/her Team, his/her customers and his/her companies within the industry. A leader is expected to be an expert in his/her field with the ability to analyze a situation and develop several potential solutions.
4. Pre-Active. A credible leader puts his/her words into action to lead his/her organization. Do not ask your Team to do anything that you would not do yourself, and take every possible opportunity to show your Team that you are willing to perform whatever tasks are necessary to achieve your objectives (goals).
5. Accountable. To establish credibility, a leader must be accountable for his/her decisions & actions. When a leader makes a mistake, he/she owns up to it and takes the steps necessary to correct the error. Being vulnerable
6. Respect. Working with your Team, while maintaining a position of authority, as opposed to talking down to your Team, helps to develop leadership credibility. Show respect for your Team members’ individual needs, abilities & opinions to help gain their loyalty.
7. Loyalty. Your credibility as a leader is gained by remaining loyal to your subordinates and watching out for their best interests. If the company is considering decisions that could result in a cut in pay or job losses, you need to stand up for your Team and work to find solutions that can help them retain their jobs. Loyalty from a Leader results in the Team returning the sense of commitment to mutual success.
8. Trust. Delegating responsibility and showing trust in the ability of your employees, is an important factor in developing credibility. Showing trust in your employees’ skill sets and their ability to perform a designated task, develops confidence in your ability to manage the team.
9. Education. Leading by example means showing that ongoing education is important to success. By continually, & openly, pursuing his/her additional education in your field, you are showing your Team that you do not have all of the answers, but you are willing to do the work necessary to learn those answers.
10. Detractors. Every leader has detractors that do not accept his/her authority and doubt his/her abilities. Strength of character is a trait that helps to establish credibility for a leader, and ignoring detractors helps to show that strength. Disregard naysayers and work hard to achieve positive results.
Comments: Is there anything you can add to help a Leader build “credibility”?