Business Humor #2
Copmpiled by Peter/CXO, 2/13
“A little ignorance can go a long way”. Especially, if you don’t know it cant be done and do it anyways.
“If it works, it’s out of date”. Start immediately, creating the next best thing.
“Great Discoveries are often made by mistake/s”. Keep an “open mind” to possibilities.
“All I ask in life, is a chance to prove that money cant buy happiness”. Then I can pursue other paths to happiness.
“All our Dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them”. Walt Disney
“Always listen to Experts. They tell you what cant be done and why. Then go out and do it, just to prove them wrong”.
“Any time that things seem to be getting better, you’ve probably over-looked something”. So do your Research thoroughly. Prepare for all possibilities.
“Anything is possible, but not that many are easy”. So you have to figure out, if it’s worth the effort it.
“Artificial intelligence usually beats real stupidity”.
“As long as the Answer is right, who cares if the Question was wrong?
“Asking dumb Questions is easier than correcting “dumb” mistakes”.
“Assumptions are the mother of all screw-ups”.
“Believing is seeing”. So keep your mind open to possibilities.
“Common sense is not so common, because too many people don’t have it”.
“Competition brings out the best of Products, but often the worst in people”.
“Simple, easy to understand problems, often have complex consequences – if not resolved rapidly”.
“Confidence is that feeling you have, just before you fully understand the problem”.
Comments: Do you have any you can add?