Business Humor & Wisdom #6
Enjoyingly compiled by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz 6/13
The Peter Principle: “In any hierarchy, each individual rises to his own level of incompetence, and then remains there“. I resent this !!! Peter
“In order to get a loan, you must first prove you don’t need it.” So the best time to get a loan is when you’re doing well and don’t need it, but know you’ll need it in the future (ie, to expand).
“Inspiration & perspiration are related by more than rhyme, when you‘re trying to start your business“. You have to have a great idea, but you also have to work hard at it, to fully develop your idea into a product or service. Didn’t Edison say: “Success is 1% inspiration & 99% perspiration?
“It is better to remain silent and thought a fool than it is to speak and remove all doubt.” Think before you speak; engage the brain before engaging the mouth. If you have something important to say, be prepared. You want to do your best when you talk to possible Partners, Investors, key Candidates, etc.
“It is easier to get forgiveness, than it is to get permission.” If you feel strongly, go ahead. If you think they might say no, go !!! To most superiors or authority figures, it’s just easier to say “no” than to try to understand what you want. Trust your intuition. It’s going to be right, a high percentage of the time. If it doesn’t work out, you probably can learn something from it. Ask forgiveness, if you need to.
“It isn’t that they can’t see the solution, it’s that they can’t see the problem.” So you have to explain it to them differently. Practice describing the problem and your solution to everyone you can, till anyone can understand it. Now you’re ready to talk to Customers, Investors, etc.
“It’s not how good your work is, it’s how well you explain it.” If you cant get your audience (ie, Customers, Investors, etc), to understand the workings & benefits of your solution, they’ll never “buy it“.
“Logic can never decide what is possible or impossible, but dreaming can“. If you have a “great” dream and can bring it into reality, you’ve created a “great” thing. Go for it !!!
“If you heve employees who are not fired-up with enthusiasm, fire them with enthusiasm“. You cant afford to have employees that are not enthusiastic – dont care. You need ones that have happy interactions with Customers & other employees – so they carry on the enthusiasm, passion your company has for its products & services.
“Make dust or eat dust.” It’s best to be the leader in your field and keep innovating to stay there, than try to make your “me too” products and trying to respond to the leaders changes. Make it so differen, it’s like an original.
“Men can live without air for a few minutes, without water for a few days, without food for about two months, and without new thoughts never.” If you don’t have any new thoughts, your really dead. Always be looking for opportunities to create a product, develop a business, help others and you’ll “live” forever !!!
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