Daring Greatly
to be all you can be !!! A Book Review 6/13 by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz
Sometimes we think: “I am never enough.” Now that isn’t the most positive personal affirmation in the world, but it is something that many people feel about themselves on a regular basis. We wake up and our first thoughts are “I didn’t get enough sleep” and “I don’t have enough time to get ready”. Throughout the day, we focus on the things that we don’t deserve or the things that we don’t have. We constantly compare ourselves to the others around us, because we don’t feel like we are enough. We scared to be the center of attention and certainly, we don’t like being vulnerable to anything.
In her book, “Daring Greatly”, Dr. Brené Brown discusses how we are afraid of we have a weakness, feel helpless and how we never truly feel like we are enough. Many people, believe that appearing weak is showing signs of trouble and that opening ourselves up to the possibility of failure is a sure sign of being a failure. But what if it isn’t? What if being vulnerable is actually being courageous? What if being open to the prospect of failure is actually being brave? What if being vulnerable will help us become the best version of ourselves? Then it’s a good thing.
Weakness\Vulnerability is something that absolutely terrifies most people, but they also want to become better. We’re are afraid of failing & afraid of rejection. Lots of us are Control Freaks and we really don’t like it when we can’t control the outcome of something. This is “self-destructive” behavior. According to Dr. Brown, this mentality also interferes with our abilities to be creative, engaging, and to truly love & be loved.
Daring Greatly is filled with personal Experiences & notable Resources. It is easy to read and undeniably eye-opening all in the same breath. Dr. Brown doesn’t claim to have all of the answers when it comes to living but she brings a new perspective to how we should approach our lives and help us to live what she calls “wholeheartedly”.
At the end of the book, she recalls a quote from President Teddy Roosevelt that inspired the title, Daring Greatly. The quote talks about how we shouldn’t drift along in the river-of-life, but be paddling & steering. We should be brave enough to face our fears and accept the praises as positive affirmations – that we are on the right track.
… I can honestly say that nothing is as uncomfortable, dangerous, & hurtful as believing that I’m standing on the outside of my life looking in and wondering what it would be like, if I had the courage to show up and let myself be.
If you are interested in a truly great and thought-provoking “self-help” book, you should definitely check out Daring Greatly.
Comments: What do you think about this issue? Have you read “Daring Greatly?