Determining Customer Needs
Compiled by Peter/CXO 3/13
What kind of Customers do you have?
Lead In Customers, that will drive your future business, but are not necessarily “loyal” customers. They’re usually looking for the latest technology. If you don’t keep up & have it, they’ll look elsewhere.
Loyal Customers, who keep coming back. They trust you. Don’t ever jeopardize that. Spoil them. Give them your best. Do the Demographics to find out exactly who they are, so you can find more of them.
Q1. Why do they Want/Need/Buy your Product or Service? What Value/s will they get from it? How will it Benefit them? Will it be easy for them to use your Product/ Services? Will it save them time? Are they getting sufficient Value for the price you’re asking? Are there any Incentives you can offer, to get a new Customer, that may turn them into a “Loyal” Customer?
Q2. How would/do they Use your Product/ Service? What are the conditions, situations, where they use your product/ service? Identify challenges, opportunities that arise and how you can resolve them.
Q3. What is your typical Customer? or If you only have a few major Customer, get to know their processes & products better + their Customers. You’ll understand their needs better and may turn up a new need that hasn’t been thought of.
Q4. Ask your Customer, “How can we make it better?” and listen attentively. Implement the best ideas. Tell them about your changes and ask how they like the changes. Ask other Customers how they like your changes.
Q5. What are your Customer’s future/ long-term needs? If they can tell you, work on this information. If they don’t know, you may have some ideas of your own from getting to know your Customers well. As soon as you have a concept or prototype, share that with your Customer, so you get their feedback and buy-in or modifications. They’ll feel more “loyal” that you showed you cared what they thought.
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