Dreams don’t have Deadlines
even if you’re over 50 (ie, Col Sanders [KFC], Ray Croc [McDonalds], Dietrich Mateschitz [Red Bull], Martha Stewart)
from Author Mark Hansen, “Chicken Soup for the Soul” 5/10 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz. Imagine your life exactly as you want it to be. What will it take to make you ecstatically happy?
The Dream Master. No one knows more about making dreams come true than Mark Victor Hansen – co-creator of the hugely successful Chicken Soup for the Soul® series – which has sold > 60M books. Yet Mark did not achieve anything close to this level of success, until he was well into his 40s. How did he finally do it? He believed that “Dreams don’t have deadlines”.
Big Dreams, is what we all start out with. We imagine the great things we want to accomplish for ourselves and for the world. But more often than not, the demands of life in the real world cause us to turn aside from our ambitions – and all too often, they’re forgotten forever.
The Truth is, this does not have to be so! What’s more, with 75M Americans now passing the age of 50, our society cannot afford to have this huge segment of the population wasted. For every-one’s benefit, we need to take the deadlines off our dreams – whether you’re 15 or 50 and start transforming them into the realities of our everyday lives. When that happens, everyone comes out ahead. Here are just a few of the topics Mark covers:
1. Now because, there’s never been a better time to start living your dreams, and why our whole society needs you to do so.
2. What Wealth really means, and why having a great deal of money is only the beginning.
3. How to have Fun while putting your dreams into action, and why it’s essential to do so.
4. The importance of “Multiplicity” in goal-setting, with real-life examples of exactly how it works.
5. How to “get & stay connected” with people who can help you succeed, and how to “get connected” with people who can help you even more.
6. The three basic components of Good Health, to maintain your energy + the recent innovations that you must understand, in order to be at your best.
7. Why having a Mentor is important regardless of your age, and why “being a Mentor” is absolutely essential.
8. The power of forming a Master Mind group (a support group where you meet regularly to share what’s happening in your business for advice, brainstorming, problem solving & accountability)
9. Have Passion. Create/renew deep desire and commitment towards your dreams.
10. Become committed to making “the rest of your life, the best of your life”.
Best Half of your Life. People from all walks of life – business, entertainment, & coaches in sports – are now making it big in what people used to call “the second half” of life. Make it the best half of your life. It’s a well-known fact that people are living much longer today than those of the generations behind them. Learn the tools, techniques, strategies, & tactics to live the life you know that you were meant to live. You’ll enjoy it so much, you’ll wish you started earlier.
Comments: What do you think? What can you do to achieve your dreams?