Driving your Competition Crazy 101
The best Defense is a good Offence – a pursuit of Excellence, Spoiling your Customer !!!
Compiled by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz 9/13
1. Know your Company. What does your Brand stand for? I that the perception you want? Do you need to change it or promote it as is?
2. Know your Customer. Ask them if they’re getting what they want from your products/ services? Listen. Can you give it to them? Also try to anticipate their future needs and explain how it will help them.
3. Know your Competition. What are their Strengths & Weaknesses? You could do a SWOT analysis. Have a 3rd party buy their product, use their services and evaluate the actual experience.
4. Focus on your Customer and how to please them. New innovations, outstanding service & excellent pricing will make your Customer so “loyal” the wouldn’t think of switching.
5. Turn your best Customers into Evangelists. Pick one or more that has fallen in love with your product or service and give them incentives to refer you, promote you.
6. Make good PR by doing Good. Look for ways (you like) to support your local community; good causes that you believe in. You’ll get a good reputation as someone who cares and they’ll believe in your company too.
7. If your Competition can’t beat you, maybe they’ll join you. If you would combine your companies, products & services would it (over-all) be an advantage to both of you? Could you reach a wilder, weirder (no) wider market?
8. Beating your Competition.
a) a 3rd Bank brought in mobile Banking Stations for Bank Branches that were closing because of a merger, and signed up new Customers on the spot.
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