eBusiness “TO DO” List
from “Complete Idiot’s Guide to eBusiness” 2/14 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz
DAILY Checklist (Check)
1. Customer Service Emails and respond rapidly (same day or within 1st half of the next business day). ü ___
2. Comments/Discussions. Read all messages and respond to significant “calls for help” immediately – others within a couple of days ___
3. Navigation: create a Checklist and check all your Web site Links to assure they are working. ___
4. Automatic Email: send a message to test that it’s working properly ___
WEEKLY Checklist (Check)
1. Share Info: Applications, Benefits about your Product / Services: New applications and where they are used, explain one of your key Benefits each week. ___
2. Your Website’s Position on the key Search Engines (Global: Google 82%, Yahoo 8%, Bing 5%, Others 5%) + [USA: Google 66%, Bing 17%, Yahoo 12%, Others 3%]. Do Search Engine Optimization yourself or have a SEO Expert help you to land on page 1 or 2. ___
3. Review your Log Files, to see which of your Website pages are getting the “hits” and the ones that are “missed”. Make changes to improve the pages you want to. ___
4. Your Shopping Cart to make sure it is working properly, by going thru the Ordering process with a simulated order. ___
MONTHLY Checklist (Check)
1. Read Industry & Business info (‘zines, Newletters, Emails, etc) to keep up with “trends” and other relevant info. Share the most significant in your Newsletter. ___
2. Do a Newsletter, to tell about a Customer’s experience with your Product or Services, new Feature, Specials, etc. ___
3. Create Promotions – seasonal or other. Look for excuses, er, reasons to have a promotion. Then go for it !!! ___
4. Get more Attention, by writing a News or Magazine Article, Blog post, etc about your Product or Service. ___
5. Look for new Sources to list your Products / Services: Industry & other Directories, Alliances with other businesses for mutual benefit, etc. ___
Comments: Is there any other thing that an eBusiness should be doing on a regular basis?