Enchanting your Customer !!!
by the Author of “Art of the Start” Guy Kawasaki
Recommended by Woz, Apple & Peter, Wiz4biz 01/15
When is Enchantment needed? When you’re: 1) aspiring to Ambitious goals, 2) making Difficult Decisions, 3) over coming Bad Habits, 4) doing your Own thing.
What are your potential Customers thinking? 1) What do they want? 2) Can you give it to them? 3) Can you change to meet their needs?
Giving Customers what they want. 1) Ask what they “think” of your product. 2) if you Change it the way they want, would they buy it? 3) once they Commit, work with them to deliver it.
How to Launch a new Product. 1) tell a Story, because people a Saturated with info & want to how it works. 2) they want to Believe in you, so Deliver your promises. 3) they want to be Inspired (feel good),. 4) they want David to beat Goliath. 5) explain how you overcome Obstacles. but 6) keep it Short
Overcoming Customer Reluctance. Why? 1) it’s hard to make Changes, 2) there are Too many Options, 3) Fear of Failure.
How? 1) provide them with a Success Story of another customer, 2) compare your Advantages over the Competition.
Pushing your Product. 1) Responding Rapidly to enquiries, 2) engaging as many Media Influencers as your can, 3) Keep in Touch w/ Customer on the status of your product (ie, monthly, quarterly), 4) show how you are Adding Value to your product or service, 5) Recognize outstanding Applications from Customers, then share with all your customers. 6) be Open to new Ideas from other sources on how to use your Produce & share, but 7) don’t Brag too much (be realistic in the value it adds), and 8) Be Human & admit your mistakes + ask for help.
How to use your Web-site & Blog (to reel them in). 1) have Good Content, 2) Update it often, 3) not too Flashy (distracting), 4) be Fast Loading, 5) use lots of Visuals (ie, graphics, pictures, etc), 6) a FAQ page, 7) About (your company) page, 8) make it Easy to Navigate.
Use FaceBook to attract more Customers. 1) add a Landing Tab to the Fan page, 20 use Friends List, 3) have a Personal Profile, 4) use @ Tags strategically, 5) have an area for Fans to promote themselves, 6) respond to Fan’s Posts – prompt & personal, 7) Surprise your Fans, 8) give Special Gifts (ie, custom content, free downloads), 9) occasionally do Live Chats, & 10) ask your Fans for new Idea on products, applications.
How are you Managing your Team? 1) Are you asking them to do things you wont? 2) Is their Conflicts of Interest? 3) Is everyone being Honest? 4) Do you Accept them as they are? 5) Are they Btter at some things than you? 6) Find their “passion” & use them, 7) Don’t Push them too hard or you’ll get rebellion,
Diversifying your Team by: 1) a Customer/ User rep, 2) have a Skeptic who questions everything, 3) Visionary who sees future possibilities, 4) a Planner & Organizer, 5) an Evangelist, & 6) a Rain-maker that makes thing happen
Be a Leader that people Follow via 1) Honesty, 2) Forgiveness when wronged, 3) Keeping your promises, 4) Helping everyone w/out expecting payback, 5) Done blame mistake (find out what you can learnt), 6) Hire people smarter than you (in area you are weak) & help them grow, 7) Allow them to do it their way (then check the end results), 8) Don’t be too quick to dismiss their wild ideas. [Ask for more research], 9) Share your knowledge with others to help them learn. [It doesn’t matter who gets credit]
Building Customer Support thru: 1) User Groups, 2) Blog, 3) Recommendations, 4) more Distribution Channels, 5) Hosting Conferences, 6) find & rewarding Evangelists, 7) create a Reward system for Loyalty.
Comment: Is there anything else you can think of, to Enchant your Customer?