Facebook for Business #1
20 Tips to Make your Marketing Endeavors Successful
from Facebook Fan Marketing 7/13 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz
Social Network Boom is being lead by Facebook – which is the #1 Social Network. With active users nearing a billion, FB serves nearly one seventh (1/7) of the global population. Facebook is a wonderful opportunity to target that segment of the online market. This is why more and more businesses are incorporating Facebook into their marketing strategies.
Online Marketing was an afterthought a few years back. Now, it is at the forefront of advertising & marketing plans. Facebook has been an essential tool for businesses. Regardless of size of the business, FB proves to be useful. Facebook small business pages to large corporations’ pages, the website is used for promotion & marketing of all kinds of products & services. Any entrepreneur hesitant about using FB is missing out big time. Social media marketing has grown in a way no one could have imagined. If you are not using Facebook for your business yet, it is time you jumped on the bandwagon. Chances are your competitors already have.
Start a Facebook Business page by setting up a profile to bring your business into the public view. This works wonders for local & small businesses. It is equally effective for large global corporations. There are many types of businesses that have been using FB successfully. From billion dollar entities to non-profit setups to charities, Facebook has become the “preferred tool” for online marketing for all organizations.
There are hundreds of ways in which businesses can make use of Facebook. The key is to using it in the best way possible so that you can maximize your business’ profitability. To use FB effectively for your business, you have to follow the best practices. Here are 20 below
Tip 1 – Providing engaging Information about your Business
Your Facebook profile is an online manifestation of your business and the image that it wants to achieve. Hence, there are several things you have to be careful about when designing the profile. The way your profile looks will determine how the visitors react. Making a good impression on the users converts them into customers, which is what you should aim for. The most important thing to do when making your profile is to provide accurate & detailed information about your business. Put in as much information as you consider relevant. There are various headings under which you can fill in the data so select carefully. This helps the visitors learn about your business, what you do and what you offer that is different from others. Moreover, providing comprehensive information enables you to gain the trust of your visitors. Trust building is vital for building long-term relationships and enhancing customer loyalty. This does not mean that you drown the visitors with information. Stick to relevance as the sole criteria.
[ Not Boring, Target Audience, Customer Benefits, Unique URL, Posting Pictures, WoM Buzz & more in Premium Content ]