Get Hired Colors !!!
Works for Startups too !!!
from AOL 21 Nov 13 biased by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz – whose fave color is Blue
According to a new CareerBuilder survey, employers most often recommend:
Blue (23 %) and Black (15 %) when advising job seekers on what to wear to an interview. Orange topped the list for the worst color (25 % of employers) and was the color most likely to be connected with someone who is unprofessional.
The Attributes associated with your Outfit Color
Black: If you’re vying for a management position. According to the survey, many employers associate black with the attribute of leadership.
Blue: Team Player and Red: Power
Other key Attributes employers pointed to:
Gray — logical/analytical, White — organized, Brown — dependable
Green, yellow, orange or purple – creative
Dress for Success. While the color of your interview outfit may have some influence, you need to consider your overall look if you want to impress. CareerBuilder experts offer the following tips to dress for success when meeting with a potential employer:
Dress for the Environment, but don’t get too casual. If everyone is dressed in shorts & flip flops and you show up in a business suit, you may not come across as the right fit. Dress according to the environment, but always look polished. Wear a suit where appropriate or at the very least a nice pair of pants or skirt and collared shirt or blouse.
Stick with Neutrals. You can’t go wrong with dark blue, black, brown and gray. You can pair this with a classic white button-down shirt or incorporate a splash of a more vibrant color. For instance, wear a blue suit with a red necklace or a white shirt with a gray tie.
Tailor your Outfit. Clothing that is too tight or revealing can leave an unfavorable impression. Clothing that is too loose can make you look like a kid wearing your dad’s suit. Make sure your interview apparel complements your shape.
Don’t Distract the interviewer. Wacky ties, loud patterns & oversized jewelry can cause the interviewer to spend more time wondering about your outfit than your skills. Solids or small patterns are your best bet for interview attire.
Pay attention to Details. Make sure shoes are polished, clothes are wrinkle-free and nails are manicured. Be mindful of your choice of belt, tie clip, hosiery, socks, etc.
Comments: What do you think? What’s your fave colors & why?