Getting Funded by Angels
Compiled by Peter/CXO from various sources 2/13
1. What it an Angel Investor? An Investor that: 1) has made plenty of $$, 2) wants to save on Taxes, 3) has a favorite field and they want to keep up with developments in that field, 4) wants to make a little to a lot, on the Investment, 5) wants to “pay back” for their success, 6) wants to help an Entrepreneur that has a good product/ service, and 7) maybe you don’t have the greatest product, but they just “like you” and want to help you.
What are the Action Steps you should take?
2. Verify that they are an “Accredited Investor”. Websites like Shares & Second verify accreditation by simply filling out a form on their site. If the Investor fills out SEC form (ie, net worth, income, etc), then they’re approved and can view your private securities offering.
3. Help the Angel Investor get on the Bandwagon of another Startup Success. They want to mentor/help an Entrepreneur – like you – succeed. They want to feel the excitement of your success – like their original success –without all the work – just tell you what to do. They will continue to help you when you need it.
4. Get their Spouse to understand, so they will also think it’s a good Product/ Service and allow their Spouse to invest in it.
5. Sign up Startup Stars, who have had successful Startups. Other Investors will want to be on the same team as these stars.
6. Get Angels to Invest in YOU, by trying to ignite the smoldering embers of their original starting of their own company. Find out what they like and show your knowledge & appreciation of it. Try to get them to look at you like their Son or Daughter – who they are helping get started.
Once they have Invested . . .7. Keep them Informed of your progress toward meeting your Projections on a regular basis. Don’t bother them with petty issues, but bring the significant issue to them for their wisdom from their long experience of starting & growing a Startup. Good Luck !!!
Comments: Anything else we should cover in this?