Getting the best Answers
(for Managers & Owners) 03/13 Compiled by Peter/CXO
1. Advantages of Questions: Deflect anger & hostility. Help you clarify issues to change it from confusion. Helps you get to the Root Cause. Shows you care. Can harmonize divergent views. Turn conflict into consensus. Turn frustration into satisfaction. Strengthen the relationship.
2. Seek to Understand first. Listen to them. How do they feel about the situation? Ask any Questions to Clarify. What were the expected results? What has been done so far? Are there any obstacles? You may need to paraphrase their answers back to them, to assure you understand.
3. When under Attack, ask a Question. Did I say anything to make you feel that way? Why do feel that my solution wont work? Why are you upset with the other person? What evidence do you need from me? How can I modify my solution to make it acceptable to you? What can we do to resolve this conflict? Can we try my solution for a short time and see if it works?
4. When a Customer complains, start the Investigation immediately. Ask them to describe the problem and how they would resolve it. Ask as many questions as you need, to clarify the circumstances so you can fully understand the problem. If you think of a response to stop the problem immediately, share it with Customer and let them know when you expect to determine the long-term solution. Verify/duplicate the problem, to be sure you’re working on the right problem. Don’t try to lay blame – particularly if Customer wont accept the responsibility for their part in the problem. Is it worth it or more important to keep them as a Customer? When you plan a solution, think of the consequences of it. After you implement, use it for about a month or more, to “validate” the solution. Keep in mind that, your rapid resolution of a problem, will show you care and have a / commitment to a reliable Product/ Service.
5. Ask for Help. (one-on-one) I have my own ideas, but what do you think I should do in this situation? What would you do? Here’s my idea; how can we combine our ideas, to have the best of both? What consequences do you think it will have? How do you think others will feel about this?
Comments: What do you think is the best way to use Questions?