Glean from Lean [Mfg, that is]
[bringing Lean Thinking out of the Factory to “transform” the entire Organization]
from “The Remedy” by Pascal Dennis; enhanced by PeterCXO Wiz4biz
ISO-9000 Consultant, 5 Star Startup Services + Organizer, SVy Entrepreneur Meetups
“Lean Manufacturing” is the Japanese-initiated Management Theory (now used world-wide), focusing on the creation of value (quality) & elimination of pro-duction waste (to reduce costs).
The “Lean Method” stresses analyzing material, equipment & human Resources to increase efficiency to assure a “smoother flow” of processes – which are optimized to deliver the “value” to the Customer that they want.
Lean method strives to reduce or eliminate anything that does not contribute to this goal. Examples are: Just-in-Time (JIT) material delivery system, better and/or less expensive material, reducing labor & excessive production or inventory. Lean also strives to be flexible to meet changing conditions.
Basic Principles of “LEAN”
1. Identify “True North” (your goals & values). Confront obstacles and involve everyone in solutions to apply what you’ve learned.
2. Avoid “Big Company Disease” – which strikes when smart, talented people are prevented from expressing their ideas to make improvements to poor processes.
3. Welcome Problems as opportunities for improvement. Find out what’s happening (root & other causes), and what should be happening. Take corrective action to “fix”.
4. Apply Continuous Improvement Loop of . . .
Plan > Do > Check > Adjust > Re-Do > Check > Adjust, etc.
Plan Solutions > Implement > Check > Adjust > Try Again.
5. Add Value to processes. Map out the Process to completely understand them. Look for ways to continually improve the process.
6. Wean & Lean your Processes. Reduce or eliminate wasted steps/ actions, waiting, learning time, non-conformances.
Predecessors of this method were championed by Ben Franklin in his printing operations & Henry Ford in mass production – including JIT.
Comments: What do you think? What has been your experience with Lean?