Good Time Management #1
from OK Social Media 28 June 13 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz
Better Execution: Knowing how to run a successful Startup or Small business entails a lot of things, one of which is knowing how to manage your time. Good time management isn’t something we do naturally – it’s a skill we grow into. [Wiz4biz: Managing my time in an effective way was something I learned in university and I’ve since utilized this skill to produce the results I wanted in my life as well as deliver the best advice (& results) to my Clients.]
Your Focus. And while it does take a certain level of discipline & accountability on your part, if you nurture these skills your business growth is limited only by your imagination. Building your business doesn’t happen by chance and no one is really “too busy” in this life to get “it” done – we just lack the skills to manage our time. Here are 5 key ways you can develop your time management skills to run a successful business and create more time in your day and cash in your wallet.
#1. Set Priorities. Everything we do in our day is based around what we value and deem important. Think about it – you never fail to do the mandatory things to survive. You make time and it gets done. Completing tasks for your business works the same way. Time Management begins with “planning”. Sit down with a pen & paper or in front of your PC. I know – you’re busy. Do it anyway. Make a list of all the things you want to do for your business. Do it like an outline – keep it short & concise. Now, go back and fill in the details. What steps do you need to do, to make each one happen? Be specific. Now put them in order, based on what’s most important to your business success. What needs to get done now and what can wait? There! You’ve set your priorities. Now comes the tricky part. Read on.
#2. Break out the Colors. Coloured pens or Highlighters work best. Draw a circle around each main priority – do you see themes evolve? In the time management for my business I’ve grouped them into 5 main categories: [Wiz4biz: Daily Living (for Survival), Client Work; writing for my Blog, Errands; Socializing. Now open up your calendar. For some people a traditional paper calendar works best, others like electronic versions such as MS Outlook or Google Calendar or your Smart-Phone.
(Colors continued + Follow Through, Stay Focused, Evaluate, Evolve, Delegation + + in Premium Content)