Google Quotes
compiled by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz 12/13
“Whether it’s Google or Apple or free software, we’ve got some fantastic competitors and it keeps us on our toes”. – Bill Gates, MicroSoft
“Sometimes I hop onto Google Plus just to have a bit of quiet time by myself”.
“I look at Google and think they have a strong academic culture. Elegant solutions to complex problems. – Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook
“Your ‘just Google it’ attitude will come back to haunt you, when your Internet “search history” is used against you in a trial”.
“Google is working on self-driving cars, and they seem to work. People are so bad at driving cars that computers don’t have to be that good to be much better. – Marc Andreeson, Founder, Netscape – the original Search Engine
“You don’t know something? Google it. You don’t know someone? Facebook it. You can’t find something? Mom it !!!
“I think Google should be like a Swiss Army knife: clean & simple, the tool you want to take everywhere you go”. Marissa Mayer – when she worked at Google (now CEO of Yahoo – a competitor)
“Why bother with Google, when I have an x-Husband that thought he knew everything about everything. Well, I did and found out he was doing more than just Googling. Now I’m happily Divorced”. The X
“We want Google to be the third half of your brain”. Sergey Brin, co-Founder, Google
“I am living in the Google years, no question of that. And there are advantages to it. When you forget something, you can whip out your iPhone and go to Google. The Senior Moment has become the Google moment, and it has a much nicer, hipper, younger, more contemporary sound, doesn’t it? By handling the obligations of the search mechanism, you almost prove you can keep up. But you can’t retrieve you life (unless you’re on Wikipedia (in which case you can retrieve an inaccurate version of it).
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