Guideline for Branding #1
Compiled by Peter/CXO, 5/13
What is Branding? A brand is the idea or image of a specific product or service that consumers connect with, by identifying the name, logo, slogan, or design of the company who owns the idea or image. Branding is when that idea or image is marketed, so that it is recognizable by more & more people, and identified with a certain service or product, when there are many other companies offering the same or similar services or product. It’s very important for your Marketing to work on branding – not only to build brand recognition – but also to build good reputations and a set of standards to which the company should strive to maintain or surpass. Branding is an important part of Internet commerce, as branding allows companies to build their reputations, as well as expand beyond the original product or service, and add to the revenue generated by the original brand.
1. Establish on the High Ground. (ie, doing good, changing the world, making people happier, etc) vs just trying to beat the Competition.
2. Focus on 1 Message. What is it you do best? that no one else does? What advantages does it have for users?
3. Speak to everyone, not just the Nerds, so that everyone can understand what it does & buy it.
4. Beware of “Over-Used” words. (ie, User-friendly, secure, easy-to-use, scaleable, fast, etc) Check out your Competition and see what they do. Then get “creative” and use other adjectives to make you stand out.
5. Communicate your Message: Brand, Slogan/Motto, Mission to everyone in your organization – so they know what your company stands for – and they should get motivated & inspired.
6. Get Feedback on what your people think – to be sure they understand. Ask for recommendations, if they feel it’s needed.
7. Focus on PR, not Advertising. Public Relations [PR] offers several advantages not found with other promotional options (ie, Advertising) .
(for a continuation of this article, go to Premium Content)