Improving Business Processes, #2
Streamlining Tasks to Improve Efficiency
from Mind 9/13 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz 5/14
Since Operations (processes) are 80% of your Business [], they should be high on your Priorities for Improvement.
Step 2: Analyze the Process continued.
First use Root Cause Analysis, Cause & Effect Analysis, or The 5 Whys to trace the problem to its origins. After all, if you only fix the symptoms, the problems will continue. Speak to the people who are affected by the process. What do they think is wrong with it? And what suggestions do they have for improving it? Then look at other teams in your organization. What tactics have they developed to deal with similar situations? If you don’t get answers this way, assign a Specialist in this type of Analysis to find the Cause of the problem and report findings + make a recommendation for a “fix”. Then Management can make a decision to accept the recommendation or modify it to best meet the conditions or it actually may require a more deeper investigation.
Step 3: Preparing to re-design the Process.
You’re now preparing to re-design the process, to eliminate the problems you have identified and maybe the change recommended. It’s best to work with the people who are most directly involved in the process, because they know it best. Their ideas may reveal new approaches to implement the “fix”, and, also, they’re more likely to “buy into” change, if they’ve been involved from an early stage and throughout the process of change. First, make sure that everyone understands what the process is meant to do. What are the Goals? End Result you expect? Then, determine the best way to “implement”, from the recommendation – which was approved by Management..
Step 4. Brain-Storming. Note down everyone’s ideas for change, regardless of the costs involved or how crazy it may sound. Then, narrow your list of possible solutions by considering how your team’s ideas would translate to a real-life solution.
a) Start by conducting an Impact Analysis to understand the full effects of your team’s ideas.
b) Then, carry out a Risk Analysis & FMEA [Failure Mode & Effects Analysis] to spot possible risks & points of failure within your re-designed process.
c) Depending on your organization’s focus, you may also want to consider Customer Experience Mapping at this stage. These tests will help you to understand the full consequences of each proposed idea, and allow you to make the right decision for everyone. Once you and your team agree on a process, create new Flow Charts to graphically “map out” each step of the process, so everyone can visually see it.
NOTE: If any of the Analysis Tools above are unfamiliar, research to Internet – to get an idea of what they’re trying to do and the method/s they use. They are all are straight-forward logic and easy to understand & use.
[ Step 5: Acquire Resources to implement Fix, Step 6: Implement & Communicate Change, Step 7: Review the Process – to analyze the Effectiveness in final Premium Content ]