Improving your Business #4
Compiled by Peter/CXO 1/13
Resolve Disputes quickly/fairly
3. Be open; Listen to Grievances. Be sensitive to the feelings of both Victim & Perpetrator (if this is the circumstance). Try to understand why and try to resolve their issue/s.
4. Get others involved in gathering info, making recommendations. Get enough facts to make a fair / final decision.
5. Focus on “What’s right, not Who’s right”. Don’t let un-related issues bias your decision.
Crisis Management
1. Meet as a Team to fully understand situation, clarify.
2. Gather your own info + assign key people to gather other info (per their talents).
3. When you get Feedback on the Cause, meet with Team to get their ideas on how to handle, but you make the final decision.
4. Communicate the Results & assign Action Items of the meeting, to all interested parties.
5. Meet as often as needed – per the scope & urgency of the problem.
6. When implementing solution, validate how effectively it resolved the problem. Modify as necessary.
7. Have a Post-Problem meeting to review: how problem was handled, the results obtained, lessons learned. Celebrate the Victory.
8. Communicate this Review, and particularly “lessons learned”, to all interested & significant employees.
Recognizing Winners
1. Don’t only focus on finding & solving problems. Catch people doing something right and recognize them.
2. Get to know your Staff and find out what motivates them – “Different Strokes for different Folks”.
3. On a Team win, recognize the contribution of each member.
4. Recognition will also reinforce them and motivate others.
Coaching & Mentoring
1. Have regular Meeting of your direct reports (ie, monthly) to discuss the Work in Process. Ask for improvement ideas and how you can help them be more effective.
2. Work with Individuals, as needed, to provided them with the extra advice they need to do their best – and they’ll feel better about it too.
Comments: Do you have any other ideas you could add on “How to Improve your Business?