Inspiring Quotes from Entrepreneurs
from 07 July 15 enhanced by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz
Motivating. There’s something about quotes that we all find irresistible. Maybe it’s that they tend to come from ordinary people who have gone on to do extra-ordinary things in their lives. Perhaps it’s the vast array of professions, circumstances, niches & places they come from, that fascinate us; Or it could be that by reading their words, we tap into something we feel is possible for ourselves as well. Whatever it is, there’s nothing like a great quote to get your revved up. Here are 21 Inspiring Quotes that will get you hyped up and keep you motived as an entrepreneur.
1. “I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I cannot accept not trying.” — Michael Jordan, MVP Basketball
Just like the great Yoda once said, “Do, or do not. There is no try.” You may fail at some things in your life, but you’ll fail at life if you don’t continually try and do new things.
2. “Be patient with yourself. Self-growth is tender & holy ground. There’s no greater investment”. — Stephen Covey, 7 Habits of Highly Successful People.
It is common to be in a rush to reach the destination called success. Success is often measured by the destination. However, if you can learn to be patient, and continually improve yourself while enjoying the journey, the trip to every success will be as pleasant as the destination. Improving yourself is always worth the investment.
3. Courage. “In every success story, you will find someone who has made a courageous decision”. — Peter Drucker, Mgt Guru
Success takes a spirit of adventure and an aptitude for bravery. It isn’t that the brave don’t have fears, it’s that they chose to move forward anyway.
4. “If you can dream it, you can do it”. — Walt Disney
Every great success starts with a big vision. What’s yours? “You have think about your idea to make it happen. So if you have to think, think BiG !!!
5. “We must train ourselves from the inside out. Using our strengths to attack & eliminate any weaknesses. It’s not about denying a weakness exists, but about denying its right to stop us”. — Vince McConnell, Winning Coach
Investing in yourself means a continual assessment for self-improvement. That process weeds out our weaknesses. It’s not about perfection, but if we focus on overcoming our inner obstacles to success, we can conquer the world within, then the world outside.
6. “Forget about making mistakes, and just do it, is my best advice to entrepreneurs”: — Ajaero Tony Martins, Business Author
Don’t focus on the failures. Focus on the journey toward the Goals you’ve set. It’s better to do something and fail, than to not try anything at all.
7. “All Achievement begins with taking Action. Successful men & women keep moving. They make mistakes but they don’t quit. They try & try again until they succeed”. — Conrad Hilton, Hotels
There is action required for all success. Success never means a lack of failures along the path. It always means you continue down the path – even after stumbling or falling.
8. “Ambition is the steam that drives men forward – on the road to success. Only the engine under full steam can make it over the hill of challenges”. — Maxi Foreman
You need a big vision and some lofty goals to change the world, even if the world you aspire to change is only your own local community. Dream big and take action toward those ambitions.
9. “Continuous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field”. — Dennis Waitley, Motivation Author
Never stop learning. If you aren’t learning, then you’re quickly becoming obsolete. Surround yourself with smart people who will always challenge you with new ideas, new technologies + show you new ways things could be done.
10. Problem solving. “Everyone who achieves success in a great venture, solved each problem as they came to it. They helped themselves + were helped through powers known & unknown to them at the time they set out on their voyage. They kept going regardless of the obstacles they met”. — W. Clement Stone, Motivation Author
Failure is a theme with great quotes & great leaders, because it’s so personal & universal. Rise up from challenges and move forward after your failures, and you will meet with success.
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