Interviewing Partners/Managers
Why is it important? They will either grow with & support your organization’s goals or they will slow it down.
compiled by Peter/CXO Wiz4biz 5/13
1. Initiative? Ask about when they saw an opportunity and took the initiative. What were the results? Did they “ruffle any feathers” along the way?
2. Relationships. Ask candidate to talk about the (+/-) of their relationships at previous companies. Why didn’t things go as they expected?
3. Commitment to Excellence? Can you tell if they have it? Are they familiar to Continuous Improvement, TQM or Zero Defect programs? What has been their past results of these programs? How would they use it here? Are they lifelong learners?
4. Communication Skills. How well do they communicate who they are, their skills, managing others? Can they listen, as well as talk?
5. Humility. Do you think they’ll be a good Team player or a Super Star – who will want a lot of attention and doesn’t get along with Team = less effective.
6. Fearlessness? Do they have a lot of self-confidence? Ask for examples where they took a “risk” in the past; Examples of how they got out of their “comfort zone?
7. Accept Responsibility? Ask candidate about the worst failures & greatest dis-appointments of previous jobs. Why didn’t it succeed? Do they blame others or make excuses?
8. Compatibility? Will the candidate fit into your organization’s culture – according to the personality that you observe during the interview? If you can, have another person interview them to determine this.
9. Avoid Misfits or they’ll give you fits !!! Typical examples are: Know-it-alls, Arrogants, Negative persons. Ask them what they don’t like to do. Reveal
10. Pressure. Ask for examples where they had to work hard to meet deadlines or other stress situations. Did they have minimal stress, so they could be at their best?
11. Relax. Do they have outside activities to relieve their “stress” from the job and are able to give fresh energy when they come in.
12. Balanced Life? of Work, Family, Hobbies, etc, so each has sufficient time, and they are able to enjoy each.
Comments: Are there other areas that Interviewers need to cover?